the grand mistake

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AN: Hi guys this is my first story so sorry if it sucks. (Y/n) stands for your name (e/c) stands for eye color and so on sooooo on to the story!

You were the only human left on the planet and your name was (y/n). The trolls were pretty nice and there was this one troll you had a flush crush for it was no other than karkat vantas! You didn't know if he was flushed for you back until... hold up let's go back a bit.....

It was your 13th birth day and you were the only person left on the planet. You just met all the trolls your best friend or morail was (choose your morail) they knew everything about you and who your flush crush was. Then one day tuna invited you to go boarding with him and of corse you said yes.

...time skip....

You just finshed boarding whith tuna you were going home and day dreaming about who knows what and bumped into none other than karkat vantas you blushed of embarrasment and the fact that he was on top of you. It was hard to tell but you thought you saw a slight blush on his face too. But it was probably because it was hot but no your just really dense anyway he asked if you were ok whith a slight grumble in his voice. You scraped yourself when you fell and it hurt a lot. You were trying to hold back the tears but it was to intense and a tear crept down your face. Suprised karkat didn't know what to do and started to suck gentley on your wounds. Your eyes went wide and giggled slitley at karkat sucking your cuts. Shut up he said whith red tainted all over his face you could tell he was embarassed. You giggle and get up and say your fine but while getting up your finger sliped and touched karkats horn. You quickly take your hand up to your mouth as he couldn't contain it and let out a small moan. Then he got up and was about to tackle you and...... to be continued

Hahahaha I left you hanging oh well see you later peeps author out....

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