Chapter 1

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Ava sat at the front counter in her friends' cafe, it had been a very slow day so she decided to pass the time building a house made of plastic coffee turners. She was just about to put another turner on the house when the front door opened with a soft chime. It startled Ava causing her to hit the small house with her hand making the whole thing cave in on itself.

Aw, man, I was almost done with that too. Welp time to put my game face on!

"Hello, sir what can I get you today?" Ava said with a smile looking at the man and the first things she noticed was how he was dressed which was rather fancy for the part of town the shop was located and the fact he was wearing sunglasses. Really sunglasses inside?

"I don't know what would you recommend?" The man asked with certain tiredness she knows all too well

"hmmm well I would recommend an ice coffee with 1 cream, 2 sugars, wiped cream, and caramel drizzled on top." I replied, "At least that's my favorite way to drink coffee." I actually don't like coffee at all but I could tell he needed it even if he was wearing sunglasses I can faintly see the bags under his eyes. Plus, caramel and wiped cream are good in coffee at least from when I've had coffee.

" Wow, umm ya that sounds good I'll have that." The man said back.

"OK sir that will be 6.50." I said as she handed the man the drink.

"Here you go." The man said handing me the money.

"Have a good day sir." I called out to him as he walked toured the door.

"Shit." The man said as he was about to open the door. whats wrong with him? I guess I'll ask.

"What seems to be the problem sir?" I asked as I put away some paper cups and plastic lids in their proper place

"Nothing but hypothetically saying you wouldn't happen to have a back door would you?"

Why is he asking about that? I looked past him only to be met with a large group of screaming women who seemed to be looking for something. Well shit, this guy must be popular! I mean jeez!

I let out a low whistle at the scene playing out in front of me I mean it's not every day something like this happens. more like every other week.

"Well sir hypothetically speaking we might have one down that hallway," I got on my tippy toes and pointed to the hallway to the right of the counter. "And to the right of the bathrooms that might have a red exit sign above it. Of course, that's all hypothetical."

A small smile made its way onto the mans face "Could you also forget we had this conversation?"

"Where you saying something Sir?"

"I don't think I was maybe you misheard. Welp have a nice day.." He looked down at my man tag "Bob?"

Pfffff as if I'd give my name out to a bunch of randos in a coffee shop.

"You to mister sunglasses." I gave him a two finger salute.

"Oh, and sorry about the house I don't think it was very structily sound. Had a horrible foundation." It seemed like he was about to say more but the screams or the women got closer. The man gave 'Bob' a quick wave before he ran down the hallway.

This day keeps getting more and more interesting

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