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                           Chapter 1

                   Another town another story . I've been on the road on my own for about five years now . I left home when I was 19. Not on bad terms or anything it was just my plan . My parents are amazing people and supported my decision  to leave and go wherever the wind takes me so to speak. As long as I did it safely and as long as I called to let them know I'm ok once a week to stay in touch.  I had saved all my money from every job I worked in high school.  I spent the bare minimum during that time because this was my plan. 

        I wanted to leave home with nothing but myself a bag of clothes and the mo ey I saved . I just couldn't see myself falling into the same pattern as everyone else . Where your constantly looking for someone to date fall in love and get married and at some point have kids .Then you add the stress of having a mortgage buying cars and so on and so forth the kids need braces and you eventually just become business partners whether you loved each other deeply to begin with or not it just happens.  It just doesnt seem like a good way to live for me at least not right now anyway.

         I do believe in love and a life with someone . I also believe in living your life as you wish and doing it with someone who believes the same thing. That we can be happy regardless of what kind of car we drive or or how high out mortgage is or what brand of clothes we are wearing.  But for now I'm just wandering from place to place  different states different towns working my way along as I go. I find a job and work it until I'm ready to move on to the next town . I have a list of them I have already visited and some places I have only talked about with complete strangers . They talked so sweetly and graciously about these little towns . It changes the course of my destination alot of the time. Sometimes I would venture there just to visit and enjoy my time there. And sometimes I'd stay and find a job and live there for a while. Every town has a story and I like to be a part of them one way or another  . I dont know why it's just always been something  I felt I needed to do since I was young . Something was pulling me telling me to go wander around the world and find my place I guess. Maybe I am just trying to find what I'm looking for if that makes any sense.

       So here I am walking down the street in a little dessert town in Texas. I just kind of stumbled upon it on my way somewhere else but decided to just hang out for a while instead of passing through. It's basically snack dab in the middle of nowhere almost. I've been bouncing around for so long just hoping to find my sweet spot to settle in for a little longer then normal.or potentially spend the rest of my life. Who knows really . But I'm here .                                            

     My hometown is a perfectly fine place  to love I have no real hate towards it at all mayne I'll end up back there. It's all up in the air for me. I guess I just have a need for something else.  I'm completely content just wandering from town to town. I havnt decided how long I will live this way maybe this is what I will do forever I'm just going off what my gut tells me . I have no intentions on going back to my hometown anytime soon. I only go for the holidays and then get a the urge to leave shortly after. A deep urge I cant shake.

Every town has a new feel and eventually I get a vibe that it's not for me and I move on . Thays how I ended up here in this tiny microscopic town in texas. It's  warm and sunny here with a slight breeze just enough to keep you cooled  off. This is my kind of weather a basically all year long warmth you just cant beat that. I hate  any cold wet thing frozen weather it dampens my soul.

         I stroll along and take in the towns atmosphere  and taking in the view around me. It's kind of beautiful and plain at the same time . There is wide open dessert on either side of this little town. It sits along a small two lane highway that runs right through it . I've only been here about a week staying at the hotel at the end of town. The day I arrived I applied for a job at the little diner and was hired on the spot as a waitress. I also took on Nother side job thay basically fell into my lap the second day I was here.  Cleaning houses for a few elderly people in town. So I havnt had much time to really see the town entirely.

        Most of the people that live here work in the next town over they live here because its peaceful and quiet I assume. The people here must make big money because they tip very well. I get paid a decent amount between both jobs and the tips are ab added bonus. I have more then enough money for myself.

         With my first paycheck I stead of putting it in n my savings account I decide to buy some new clothes. Some that suit the weather here better.  Some tank tops Jean shorts and a pair of cowboy boots just to try them out . I feel good in the new clothes like a new chapter has opened and I have no clue what's going to happen next. I feel pretty at ease here because this town just feels more laid back not at all frilly and uptight . It's a breath of fresh air over and over again just how casual things work around here and yet everything is taken care of with no big rush or stress.

        The people here seem polite enough to say hi and ask how your doing and genuinely care  and also quick to get back to their own business . Nose to the grind stone type of people and proud if it. Stay busy and take care of their priorities type of people without making you feel like your less then them in any way. Not at all nosy or judgemental. They are humble hardworking and focused . It seems to me they have a plan in life.  Work hard  to make a living take care of your responsibilities and at the end of the day enjoy the simple things in life that most people take for granted.


       The set up of this town is pretty simple from what I gather. The highway that brought me here runs all the way through and curves on down the middle of town so it sits on a bit of a curve . The whole town isnt but a mile long  essentially . When you first come to town you see the hotel that sits on the very edge of town almost like a marker for where the town begins. The town exists on either side of this curved highway thays treated like  a busy road basically. On down past the hotel  sits the first set of houses. There are a few roads leading off the highway on either side as well barely two blocks long per side. They continue throughout town that way.  On down past the first set of houses is a blacksmith shop a hardware store the diner a small clothing store  discount grocery store and a gas station spread out on either side of the highway.   Just past the business part of town is th e other set if houses spread out here and there. 

       In a way this town kind of reminds me of an old western town. Everything here is original and man made and seems to be ancient. Despite their obvious age the buildings  are all well built and sturdy. Most of the people have nice painted houses with yard decorations  made from rusty steal or little white picket fences that edge their yards and bring a certain charm to them. Since there isn't  much grass here the houses are usually covered in dust and dirt . There is an almost constant wind tunnel that blows through town ever so gently. It sits in piles on window sills and porches. The towns people  dont seem to mind . They just get their brooms out and dust it off every so often like any normal person would mow the lawn or rake the leaves . By the end of the week the piles get pretty high if you dont tend to them .

Chapter 2 is almost done . I have it up soon.! I changed the cover photo cuz I like this one better. Enjoy the first chapter !!!

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