Kam #1

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Takes place right after Lodestar. I have not yet read Nightfall so please no spoilers in the comments.
Trigger warning: Suicidal thoughts, I don't know if this is a trigger warning but I just want to be safe.

Tam was sitting alone in his bed. Linh was hanging out with Sophie and Blur was doing something for the Black Swan. Tam was not doing so well. After taking down all of those Neverseen hideouts, he had seen some things, things he would never forget. His abilities with shadows had grown considerably. He was happy about that but he was barely paid any attention to. He got him and Fitz out of that force field. He figured out how to find the Neverseen. He destroyed some of their hideouts. But still, Sophie and Fitz got the credit. All Tam wanted to do was stay with his sister, let her comfort him, hug him, make him feel better. But Linh was always away, hanging out with her friends. Friends that he wanted to be around, wanted to get to know. But he was basically trapped. The collective had him working on his shade powers all the time. The council was being themselves. Even his parents were crawling back to him. Ever since they heard that he broke down the force field, they wanted to "get to know him" It sickened him. The parents that left their children with no place to live and nothing to eat wanted to be back in their lives. He didn't let anyone close. He was scared they would leave him. Leave him because... because he was gay. And he knew that in the elven world, nobody was judged for sexual orientation. If you were gay? Cool. If you were trans? Nice. If you were pan? Awesome. But Tam was still scared. That was why he didn't call anyone. Or ask someone for help, someone to stay with him, someone to hug him. Nothing he could do would keep one thought out of his head. Keefe. His beautiful blond hair, and icy blue eyes. (I'm sorry I'm not used to writing about how guys look) He knew he had a crush on Keefe. But he also knew that Keefe liked Sophie. And Keefe was probably one of the most straight people on the planet. He was crushing hard. Tam sighed and laid down hoping to get some sleep without nightmares.

Time Skip

Tam woke up crying. He had dreams about his parents cruel words. Twin Brat They flew through his mind. Stupid Shade He couldn't get them out. Awful Gay At that one he he started sobbing. He fell to the floor, his hands up to his ears. Trying to block out the words. Nothing worked. Nobody was here to save him. Save him from himself. He was scared that if he didn't get help he would tear himself apart from the inside. Maybe it would be better to leave. Just go. End it all.

There was a knock on the door. But Tam didn't hear it. He was trapped in his own thoughts. Struggling to break free.

Keefe's POV

Keefe was bored, he was tired of sitting there doing nothing. So he sat up and went to his sketchbook. He was drawing whatever came to mind. He wasn't even paying attention. When he was done he looked at it and almost dropped it in surprise. He had been drawing Tam! Why was he drawing him. Keefe knew that he had been gay for a long time, but he never really had a crush on anyone. He was always a flirt but that was just fun. But he never thought he would have his thoughts on Bangs Boy. Obviously Tam was not gay, he liked Biana. And emo boys were almost always straight. (That made me cringe) Right? Whatever he didn't want to draw anymore. There was nobody to hang out with so he decided, why not pop in on Bangs Boy for a minute, maybe thank him for help with the Neverseen.

Time Skip

When Keefe got to Tam's place he walked up to the door and knocked. Nobody answered. One of the gnomes walked up to him and said that Tam was the only one home. The gnomes opened the door for him and told him where Tam's bedroom was. When he walked up to the door he heard sobbing. "Tam?" Keefe called out, as he knocked on the door. No answer. More sobbing. "Tam are you okay?" Even more sobbing. That does not sound good. Tam rarely ever shows emotions. Keefe stepped back and kicked open the door.

There was Tam. Sitting on the floor. Cradling his head and covering his ears, sobbing, looking to close to the brink of insanity. Waves of emotion surged to him giving him a headache. Despite that, Keefe ran over to him and went to hug him, but Tam flinched away, as if he was scared to be touched. Keefe sat next to him and put his hand on his back, rubbing circles on it. The emotions became even more strong, but there was something else there, something he hadn't felt before. The hand on his back seemed to calm him down enough to stop crying. But he was still shaking, and breathing quickly.

"Okay Tam tell me five things you can see," he said. He was going to help him, using tactics that always worked with him.

"U-Um, y-you, the floor, my hands, the walls, and my carpet."

"Good now four things you can feel."

"T-The ground, your h-hand, y-your breath, and my clothes,"

"Okay now three things you can smell."

"Your shampoo, the flowers by my bed, and the fabric of your cape."

"Okay good are you feeling better?" Keefe asked. Tam nodded and Keefe let out a sigh of relief. "So... there was something that I felt whenI touched your back," Tams eyes went wide with fear. "Hey it's okay can I just say I like you back?" At this Tam spring up and walked across the room disbelieving.

"No y-your just messing with me, there is no way you could like... this." He gestured to himself. "But I do like you Tam, I've like you since we met, I just didn't want to except it." Keefe said as he walked closer to Tam. He was now only a foot away from Tam. "And right now I don't know if I still like you because... I think...I might love you." They we're standing face to face only about two inches apart.

Instead of responding Tam grabbed his collar, pulled him towards him, and kissed him.

Tam's POV

Oh. My. God. Tam was kissing Keefe Sencen. The Keefe Sencen that I was sure was straight about a few minutes ago. He was kissing back too! Kissing him was amazing, his lips were soft and warm. Completely different to his own which were chapped and cold. Tam's hands were on Keefe's neck and his were on Tam's waist. Keefe's hands drifted to Tam's lower back.

They pulled away out of breath. Both of their lips were swollen and both of their faces were red. "Maybe we should do that more often," Tam said. Keefe nodded his head in agreement. They both leaned in again. Their lips connected. Then there was the sound of somebody clearing their throat. The two boys sprang apart. There in the doorway was Linh and Sophie. Both of their eyebrows were raised. "How much did you see?" Asked Keefe.

"Just enough," Sophie, "Oh and I'm telling Fitz" Uh Oh.

Oh my god guys. I wrote this all in one go. And I stayed up all night. I'm going crazy because I don't think I've ever written a chapter as long as this one, like ever. I hope you enjoyed, and I will try to update soon.

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