As I stretch out my legs in the grass I try to tune out my friends constant barrage of profanities directed in your general vicinity
Because no matter how many times I stitch perfect sentences together, she can't wrap her mind around my unique situation
All she can see is me in love with a jerk, well she uses another term, but she isn't the one in my place
She doesn't understand those side glances, those hints that you drop like a little girl dropping a porcelain doll
Because as soon as it hits the floor, it shatters into millions of little apologies and regrets, not unlike when my heart shatters as if it were the poor girl's doll
She only sees the broken pieces at the end, because she's so focused on the outcome
She doesn't bother to look and see how you reach for the doll, for the hints, for my heart before it hits the floor and breaks
I don't see the mess at the end, I see the look in your eyes when you know the inevitable is coming, but you try anyways
She only sees what we have as a twisted boy messing around with a delicate little girl who's been broken and fixed too many times for comfort
But she isn't there when its just us two, she isn't there when you admit you care, she isn't there, so I have no need to listen to her advice
Because although she wishes otherwise, I actually care BECAUSE of the fact that he seems like he doesn't.
My Unconventional Love Story (poem)
PoetryA poem about he-who-shall-not-be-named (and I don't mean Voldemort)