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reader discretion advised, extremely violent and gory and graphic


❝imagine, you stare out your window in class. you are imagining a violent scene and you're the hero. but then it comes true❞


IT, it all started when I looked out that bloody window of mine. I was just in a maths class, waiting for the answer to be read out when I hear a distant whimper. You have to know that I have amazing hearing, my hearing is top notch and I can practically hear a pin drop on carpet. However, I mustn't drift off.

I heard this distant whimper, it was like a cry for help. It was just when I looked out the windows, just when I turned my eyes to the window. I saw blood, blood, blood, blood. Blood was everywhere. It was on the window pane, the grass, the trees.

I didn't get to see the body clear enough, but I remember a hole in the skull. It was large enough to fit a well pumped football (soccer ball) in it. It was horrifying. I saw it, with my own eyes.

However, that wasn't just a hole in the body's skull. No, no, no. It was everywhere, almost as if the killer had drilled the holes into the body.

I remember the image vividly. The eyes where still open; they were dark drown, so dark you could say they were black. The skin was so, so tan but their was an icy blue hint to the once warm-toned skin. I couldn't believe my eyes. Not once did I think I was awake. Not once did I think this was the new reality.

My memory is like a spark. It sparks when it should but it could go away in seconds. Fuck, I shouldn't go off topic. Focus!

The body, the body was skinny. Extremely. The body had signs of malnutrition and definitely kidnapping. At least, that's what the newspaper said.

But my memory saw a different thing.

I saw a black hooded man in a sweatshirt and pants just coming out of the blue. I remember I saw this in my peripheral sight and it was from the corner of my eye.

The man, the man it had seemed was carrying a big hammer and a knife.

However, I didn't see much before the man ran away. I guess it was to wash the blood off before someone noticed. But I wished he noticed that a 16 year old girl was watching him.

It scared me. It traumatised me.

But that wasn't the only time I saw a murder.

This time it was in the middle of my English GSCE paper. I definitely remember I was answering a question before I got completely distracted and looked out the window to scan the nature. But what I saw definitely wasn't nature.

It wasn't luscious, green tress that filled our lungs with oxygen. No, it was man getting stabbed five times before collapsing on the window I was staring at. I noticed at that time that he mouthed, "Help." I couldn't do anything. I couldn't just walk out there.

It devastates me that maybe I could've helped them two. That maybe I could've just been braver, but I valued my safety too much.

The man I saw getting murdered was the most sad one I have ever seen. He was crying and although I couldn't hear it, I could definitely see it. He was crying for his family, for his friends. I remember that he was crying as he mouthed to anyone, just anyone in particular, "Tell my wife, my son, my daughter I love them. Tell my mum and dad I'm sorry. Tell my sister that I'm okay. Tell me that I will be okay. Please." It was just seconds before he was stabbed in a different place, the stabbing that counted at two times.

I couldn't forget these two memories you see. I just couldn't. It was as if they were engraved into my mind and into my soul and as if it will be a part of me forever.

I couldn't remember the last time I saw someone laugh or crack a joke after the stabbing in the middle of our exams.

But it wasn't over. My life just loved torturing my mind and here I spotted a third murder.

This, this was different. It was creepier. Not that the ones before this weren't creepy. They were just not as creepy as the one I saw on this particular day.

It was 26th May of 2035. It was that exact day when I saw two girls. They were holding hand in hand before their hands were chopped of by a sharp black knife that was laced with a liquid.

They were screaming in pain and then everyone looked towards the window.

The murderer hadn't spotted us staring and proceeded to slowly cut their arm off into little, little chunks.

That was when he spotted us and he just walked up to us with a piece of their arm and showed it to us.

It was dripping with fresh, now lukewarm scarlet blood that was sparkling from the bright sun. You could see the flesh, the bone, the tissue, the muscle. You could everything. Then everyone didn't expect this but the murderer turned around with no questions and takes our a watch. It's one of those necklace watches and he just whispered incoherent words and swung it around their eyes.

Their eyes, their eyes. They, they turned into a deep shade of red and with their one arm missing they fought for the rest of the day. They didn't even stop when one died.

One of the scariest things out the murder is that even when they both stopped breathing. Even when they both stopped having a pulse, they still moved and kicked around. It was almost as if someone has penetrated their mind with a living soul that was not living at the same time.

I can't remember the last time I smiled or thought of a happy memory. I just know that deep inside me somewhere there a happy memories with me and my friends. I just know that somewhere I could be happy but it isn't right now.

This, this man. This doesn't just kill, he has dreams to take over the world and make it a soul-less place.

This man kills and kills and all I can do is stay inside and wait for a day he'll stop. However, he won't stop until we take action.

I've had enough. I've had enough of moving into small cupboards to try and find a home because a home is too dangerous. I've had enough of crawling on my hands and knees searching for food. I've had enough of the blood, the screaming. I've had enough. I've just had enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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