Chapter 1: the invasion

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The aliens have invaded Earth. My parents were killed when they tried to protect me. Now I'm aboard the alien ship.

"Now listen up, all of you will be determined. Either you are afraid of us or you hate us," an alien said.

He looked like a human but his skin was a blue tint. And his ears were pointed.

"Those of you who hate us will— be leaving us," the alien said.

The aliens motioned for us to take a seat in the black electronic chairs that were lit white. I saw a boy sit down and the chair turned red. He wore a defiant look.

The aliens moved his chair to one side with a wave of their hands.

Then I saw a girl sit and her chair lit up yellow. She was moved to the opposite side. Everyone started to sit down.

These aliens killed my parents. They had to pay for their actions. I was angry. My chair lit up red. Oh no! They'll kill me if they see. I had an idea. I thought hard about how the aliens were different and scary. How they could kill so many people. I was afraid for my life and I focused on this thought.

My chair turned yellow.

Then the last of the chairs were separated.

"The yellows will face a series of trials. These determine whether you are further use to us and if you will live," the alien spoke.

We were sent to a large room with 60 beds. There were other alien ships that I assume held more teens. We were all too scared to talk amongst ourselves. We went to sleep.

We were woken up to the sound of an alarm.

Then a women's voice over the speaker announced: You are now being tested upon. The trials will commence shortly. Please get dressed.

I found some clothes that fit my frame roughly. Then  we all left the room.

"Listen up! My name is Kirk and I will oversee your trials. You're impression on me will determine whether you stay," Kirk the alien announced.

"With that being said. You're first trial will be landing on the floor. Then you will have to survive in the wilderness for 2 weeks. Those of you who make it will be found and taken back for the next trials," Kirk said.

A boy with red hair raised his hand.

"Yes?" Kirk said.

"What if we don't make it?" He asked.

"You will die if you don't land properly. And you will die if you don't survive out there. And don't try to escape because we have protection around the area," Kirk replied.

There goes my escape plan.

We boarded an aircraft. Then a woman alien came around with a type of gun.

"Your arm," she said.

I lifted my left forearm.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Your tracker. It also tells us your vitals," she said.

Here we were about to be tested and we were being tracked like dogs.

The aircraft took off. I was seated next to a girl about 17 who looked scared. Her green eyes were wide. And there was a boy in front of me looking at me. He had dark hair and brown eyes.

What? I raised my eyebrows.

He shook his head.

"Each if you had a pack under your seat. You will put on this pack like your life depends on it because it does," Kirk said.

"This is your parachute. We will be dropping you guys off in a clearing. Whether of not you survive is up to you. Release your parachute too early and you'll get taken by the winds. Release too late and you'll crash and die. Release your parachute around 1400 feet," Kirk said.

We trapped our packs and strapped them on. Then panels in the floor opened. 1...2...3! I jumped off.

The winds were strong going down. I was free falling in the open sky and I was having fun.

Once we were at 1500 feet things started to go wrong. One girl was flailing and trying to pull her parachute but it wasn't opening. One boy couldn't open his parachute either. I had to do something.

If the others fell together with the girl and boy then we could save them. I motioned to 3 people close to me and said, "we need to join hands".

Luckily they could hear my voice because we all had mics in our helmets.

"Their parachutes don't work and they need us," I pointed to the boy and girl.  Now we were at 1300 feet.

We quickly held hands in a circle. One by one we pulled our parachute. We were getting pretty close to the ground. 1000 feet....900 feet ....600 feet.... 250 feet....

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