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There was nothing special about that day. There was no sign that something big was about to happen, the sun was still obnoxiously bright, the sky was still kinda blue, It was too bright to look up. And the birds were still annoying. Their poop still stained our window too.

I didn't know that that day would be the first time we'd meet. It wasn't remarkable then and a little after it still didn't cross my mind. Now that I think about it I think about how many things I thought didn't matter but then mattered the most to me.

That would be a long list.

In fact, that day I begged my friend, Shayna, to skip going anywhere near the beach. It was burning hot and I usually don't go out when it is burning hot. but Shayna being the behemoth she is, she insisted that it was the perfect day for a quick swim.

The little argument that took place on the beach only drew around fifteen people's attention. she's usually very impulsive and not one to mess with so when that faded-blue hair having boy knocked down her drink it was her time to shine.

He swore it was an accident but she- of course- didn't buy it and so went on to roast him in every way possible. His hair was definitely the first on the list. I don't remember exactly what she said but it had to be something about smurf's cum.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with her.

Actually I do that most of the time.

"Just help your friend calm down, would ya?" the sound came from behind me before it faded and soon enough he appeared in front of us as he stood next to the blue haired guy with a new drink in his hand.

"There, he apologizes. go enjoy your day on the beach." he handed her the drink before dragging his friend away from us and walking away. He made absolutely no eye contact with either me or Shayna.

I didn't get the chance to take a good look at him, but there was one thing that made him kinda stand out. The wound on his upper arm. It looked fresh, maybe one or two days old.

"Those guys look like they're thugs, shyana." I concluded from his wound. As judgmental as that was, he could've really been a thug for all I know.

I started dragging her away from where we were standing and walked away. "Quit fighting with everyone, he could've hurt you."

She didn't take my advice in case you were wondering.

Days went by and I never saw him and I didn't think i'd see him again. That was until my first day of school. He walked into the class right before our teacher did, he sat just a few seats behind me. It only took me about 30 seconds to remember where I've seen him before. The scar on his arm really helped a lot too.

As judgmental as it sounds, I didn't think he was the kind of boy that attends school. yes, because at the time I called him a thug and thought of him as a thug. Then I was also confused by his silence, him not sitting in the back or making any smartass remarks in the class. come on, you have a scar. you're supposed to be the jerky badass no good boy.

I was such an asshole now that i think about it. or maybe watched too many cliche movies.

Right after the bell rang, I snapped out of my thoughts. I just spent the last thirty minutes or so thinking about a total stranger who I was almost sure was a thug. I thought about why he wasn't like I expected.

During lunch break, I scanned the whole room looking for him. he sat on a table a little too far away from mine with his friends. They all looked like they were having a good time cracking jokes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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