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Dear Diary

Today is my first day at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and I am very excited!!!

I walk down the platform with my mother and father on each side of me. I am very nervous, I've never left my mum or dad for this long before but I'm glad that my brother luke will be at the school with me and I assume that we get put in the same house.

Luke is in ravenclaw since he is very smart, just as I am.

We all walk through the wall? And come out the other side to see a humongous steam train. The hogwarts express.

Mother and father both give luke a hug as he sees one of his friends and goes off to see them.

As my mum and dad see him off to make sure he got over to the weasleys they soon turn back to me and I see water whelling up in my mother's eyes.
"Promise me you'll write to us every day" my mother said blinking back the tears.

I nodded as the train whistle went and I turned to board the train after one last hug from mother and father.

I step onto the train and find an empty compartment to sit in and pull out my new book to read until we arrive at the school.

       ~~~《■●time skip●■》~~~

the train comes to a stop and I get off.
" first years over here" A large man shouted.
Once all the first years had grouped together he proceeded to lead us to a dozen boats and told all of us to get into groups and clamber into a boat. I sit down in a boat with a girl and a boy who I soon learn the names as Luna lovegood and Neville longbottom.*(A/N I know Luna is in the year below but in this story shes in the same year as everyone else)

We sail round to the castle and everyone looks at it in awe, even the large man even though I assumed he was one of the staff me.

We anchor the dingys and get out to walk into the school. Everyone makes there way up a grand staircase to be met with large double doors and professor mcgonagall.
She spoke to us and explained the sorting ceremony, but I already knew about all that since my family had told me all about when they were put into ravenclaw and it will be exactly the same for me.

Then the professor proceeded to lead us through the double doors and into the hall.
There were four rows of tables and banners of different colours according to the different houses we all assembled at the front of the hall around a stool with an old looking hat.
The sorting hat.

One by one professor Dumbledore  calls students names.

"Y/N L/N" professor Dumbledore called I slowly made my way to the stool and sat down.
Professor mcgonagall placed the hat on my head.
I crossed my fingers and held onto the stool.
"Ravenclaw" I whispered under my breath

"SLYTHERIN" the hat called out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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