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So, Hello! This is were I'll give you updates on stories, what I'm planning,new update schedule (s) (?) what I don't like about them, and art, I'll add art tips too at the bottom! Anyway's,
Hope you enjoy!

So, Hello! This is were I'll give you updates on stories, what I'm planning,new update schedule (s) (?) what I don't like about them, and art, I'll add art tips too at the bottom! Anyway's, Hope you enjoy!

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Okay, So, This was supposed to be a surprise to all of my online my friends I was back! (On animo, Follow me, Mrs.Random66)
I recently left an amino Because I was being harrased.
And Blah Blah Blah no one cares.
But I wanted to come back on October 31 to open a Halloween RP chat room!

If you ever shade the inside of something, make it a brighter or lighter color than it originally was!

Tip:If you ever shade the inside of something, make it a brighter or lighter color than it originally was!

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This one took a while. My hands turned like the color asfault when I was done from all the black on the picture. I felt like Drawing rain, and BakuDeku
(Without it being extreme ;))

Shadows are usually underneath you, if the sun or light source is pointing right, so is your shadow, not all shadows are black.

Tip: Shadows are usually underneath you, if the sun or light source is pointing right, so is your shadow, not all shadows are black

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I have a ruff draft of this one, but it's too disgraceful for me to show.

Agian, This shadow is just a darker color on what's being present on the platform.

White snow=
Grey shadow.

This is a sketch of a book(?) I was going to make called bloom or Blooming feelings

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This is a sketch of a book(?) I was going to make called bloom or Blooming feelings. It was a TodoBakuDeku story, I didn't like the idea I had so I scratched it. But I still liked the cover!

Tip: none

Second portion.

So this part won't always be in her. Depending if it even HAS. any. And that's updates on stories.

So basically, I'm Working on My
No need to worry
Book I'm not too proud of the book but somethings popping up soon.

My other book
Hey it's okay...
Is not in progress at the moment.


Please read my new story,

✂🎗Ties ment to be knotted🎗✂

I do not say my book Is good until I get your opinion on it.

But on this book I Have. You may already know if you have read it, also, Thank you if you have!
But here are some examples:

 You may already know if you have read it, also, Thank you if you have! But here are some examples:

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So thank you:




Yeah! So please do read it! Brightens  up my day when i see positive feed back!

Third portion

Okay so, Updates, This portion could also be empty too.

This is my guess.


ey it's okay...:

October 31st - Novemeber 5th

No need to worry!:

October 31st - November 2nd

Izuku Midoryia's Insta:


✂🎗Ties ment to be knotted🎗✂:

November 6th - November 10th

These ARE MY GUESSES. if I am able to be productive.

Fourth Portion:

Okay, Ain't too liking DADZAWA hey it's okay... Right now. But. Theres gonne be some wholesome soon.
(I hope)
No need to worry, i kinda-Idunno-What have coming right now I like.

Also, I changed the new style of my writting, did Ya see?

What I'm doing right now for it is something I like. But idunno.

And Ties ment to be knotted, I love this story so far, But it takes a hella long time to write. My expectation for that is 3,000 words. SOOOOO...


See ya!~☆゚.*・。゚

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