Chapter 1 The interview

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​Beep beep beep, beep beep beep. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I hopped out of bed and started digging through my closet as fast as I could. I was totally psyched because I got invited to do an interview with Madame Diloú to see if I could get got to school at E.S.S.C., Educational School for Spies and Criminals to be a spy criminal. Madame Diloú is the most famous spy criminal in the whole world.

​I tossed on a colorful blouse and an expensive black blazer. It was a little too tight for me due to that I had bought it last year, but as long as it is clean, it smells good, and it works, I'll use it. I was having a hard time looking for pants. In the end, I chose a grayish black knee length skirt. I stepped back to admire my self in my mirror. There was still something missing. I dumped out my jewelry box on my bed. I grabbed a pair of pearl, well not real pearl, earrings. Now for my hair. My hair looked like it was just in a tornado. It had bed head and tons of knots and tangles. I quickly brushed it out and grabbed a hair band. I couldn't decide if I should put in a bun, or a ponytail. "A bun would look way too stiff, a ponytail would be mysterious, yet classic," I said aloud to myself. Obviously, I chose the ponytail. One last thing, the shoes. I looked through my eight thousand pairs. Sneakers? Nope, too sporty for an interview. Flip-flops? Nah, too outdoorsy. High heels? Definitely a no. I don't even know why I have these. They are uncomfortable and hard to walk in. Formal sandals? Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Sandals are perfect. I am now ready to go.

​I walk outside my family's retreat home in Hawaii. I loved smelling the fresh air because I was used to the non-fresh polluted air in N.Y.C. I went back inside and inhaled a bowl of Fruity Krisps, my favorite cereal. My mom was already waiting in the car to drive me to the airport. I hopped in the passenger seat.

"I can't believe my baby is going to California for an interview with Madame Diloú!" said my mom while kissing my head like 18 times.

" Mom, I am 17. I am not a baby anymore," I said, trying to ignore her constant sweet-talking and kissing.

"Oh, Cyra, you will always be a baby to me!" exclaimed my mom, this time; she was slightly pinching my cheeks. Ok, now she's gone to far. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, please don't call me a baby!" I said.

"Ok honey buns! Anything you say!"

"Oh my gosh. Just call me Cy, or Cyra. No baby names, please! And lets get on the road or I am going to be late!" I said, looking at my expensive $700 watch. On the way, I panicked. I was totally freaking out because what if I don't get the job! My whole life and reputation will be ruined. My mom knows my panic face. I purse my lips, wrinkle my eyebrows, breath really deeply, and start sweating like nuts.

"Cy, why are you panicking? I know your going to do great! Seriously honey, you are extremely smart. Cyra, remember the time when you snuck up on your father and I? You were so stealthy and quick! Your father and I are both fully trained spy criminals so it's hard for someone to sneak up on us. Honey- I mean Cyra, your going to ace this interview," said my mom while patting my shoulder to comfort me.

"Thanks mom. You made my confidence fly off the charts." To be honest, I said this sarcastically, but I still gave my moms hand a squeeze.

"Your welcome,Cyra. There's about 30 more minutes until we get to airport if you were wondering," my mom replied. I grabbed my phone and started playing Doodle Jump. Ugh. My score was only 684. I stink at this game. I powered down my phone and started looking at the view around us.

​It wasn't much of a view considering it was just trees and the big Pacific Ocean. Finally we were coming to a stop at the airport. I was surprised we got there so soon because of traffic. My mom was having a hard time finding a spot to park in the humongous parking garage. After like 5 or ten minutes, we finally found a parking space. We got out of the car and started walking to the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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