Never to be Seen Again.

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Author's Note:

I had to write this story in English the other day, and it had to have a moral. I don't think its that great, but some kids in my class really enjoyed it and suggested that I put it up here, so that's what I did.

I hope that it's not too terrible, but please leave comments of what you think down below. I really appreciate any feedback given to me, it means a lot.

Thankyou to anyone who reads this!!



What have I done? Created this empty, dark, cold world or nothingness?

As I walk along this abandoned dirty street, I realise what a horrible person I have become. How these years of desertion and loneliness have messed up my mind, played with my emotions and toyed with my head. I can confirm, I do not know who I am anymore.

There is only one thing that I do know. I am a monster who destroyed the human race.

How or why you might ask? I honestly do not know what was going through my head when I actually thought that this would be a good idea.  I mean really, who would ever think that endless years of isolation would be good? An idiot like me, that’s who.

So you are probably wondering who I am. I am no one special. My name is Earl James. Boring, I know. I am exactly 174.7 centimeters tall; I have short, brown wavy hair, blue eyes and a crooked nose. I’m not too bad looking for a monster if I do say so myself.

Anyway, enough about me. Tell me a bit about yourself.

Wow, there is definitely something wrong with me, asking a book to tell me about itself. Am I really that messed up?

So, if anyone does ever find this book (which would be impossible unless aliens exist) you are probably wondering why I’m alone in this big, dark, cold, empty world.

How do I start this? I really have no idea why I’m writing this down. What have I got to loose I guess…

Alright, here it goes.

O.K. I’m one of those... What do you call it…? A villain. Yeah, a villain.  Not a vey good one obviously. Wait, I take that back. I destroyed everything living this world has to offer, that has got to count for something, right?

I wish I had at least saved a shrub. Or a tree or a bush or something. Yeah, a shrub would be nice. Or a lady friend, if you know what I mean. Wait… no, that was weird… Remind me not to say that again.

Ugh, there I go again, talking to a book.

So why is this world cold, dark, empty and depressing you might ask? Well I’ll tell you.

I never really fitted in at school, I was judged, bullied and I just wasn’t accepted for being who I was. For being me.

High school was the worst. Having braces, glasses, pimples and clothes that didn’t fit made me an easy target for bullies.

Not meaning to brag, but I was smart. I knew what I was doing. I got A’s in almost every subject and I got many awards for my success. Of course this gave people a reason to hate me more.

Leaving school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I could do anything I wanted. I had the skills, the brains, the talents and (now that the braces had come off) the looks and I had the confidence to climb any mountain, achieve any goal. So I went out and searched for a job.  The only problem was, nothing appealed to me.

So after many weeks of patrolling the streets aimlessly, watching paint dry and sharpening pencils (you know, the usual), I hatched a plan. A plan to destroy all people that had ever been mean to me over the humiliating years of school.

It sounded good at the time, O.K.?!

I made a bomb. Not just an ordinary bomb. A really, really strong bomb infused with toxic gasses and chemicals to ensure that nothing lived.

You might be thinking ‘if nothing living is left, then how are you living?’ Good question young book. While in the process of making my amazing bomb, I created a space shuttle only holding enough room for me, myself and I.

So I put a timer on the bomb and placed it in the city square. I set off in my space shuttle, and from space I watched the bomb’s gasses infuse the whole world, leaving nothing living behind.

So yes. It’s just me in this world now. Pretty stupid really, I brought it upon myself. I wasn’t thinking about it properly. I was too caught up in the moment of thinking that I would never have to see those brats again. I realise now that I am the brat, not the bullies.  Sure, they made my life a living hell for a few years but was that really worth destroying the lives of millions of innocent people? No, it really wasn’t.

But I guess what I’m trying to say is (not that anyone is ever going to read this) but think before you do something. Think about your actions. Think about how it won’t just affect you, but how it will affect others too.

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