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(The end is getting closer and closer with each chapter uploaded...
On a serious note, this chapter could be a bit triggering if you've gone through mental and emotional "hardships" in regards with sexuality, so please be weary of that. This chapter is heavily inspired by my own experiences, so if the chapter seems too realistic for you, don't hesitate to scroll through parts that make you feel uncomfortable. The moments I'm referring to are mostly for "flavor" and only in the first part of the chapter, so you won't miss anything plot heavy :)
Regardless, enjoy the chapter and I'll see you all Sunday!)


Abrupt awakening.

Wide eyed.

Cold sweat.

Nauseated stomach.

Head spinning.

At some point in the night, sleep had been blessed upon the distraught Clementine. However, it was only temporary as the feelings of intense anxiety took over her body once more.

Her stomach felt like a rough storm at sea, as it continued to stir and rumble with every slight movement her body would make. Tears once again began to fall from Clementine's nearly dried up eyes, as she clutched her stomach with every ounce of might she could muster.

'-You always seem to say what I need to hear-'

Clenching her eyes shut, Clementine tried her damndest to block out all the passing thoughts in her head as she continued to cling to her sweat drenched t-shirt.

'-you're inside my mind, and there's no way for me to get you out.'

The headache in Clementine's head only seemed to worsen, as she began to feel every pulse that coursed through her mind with great excruciation following each one.

'Thank you for being a friend to me-'

The room seemed to move around her, as the desk that had previously been on her left had somehow moved to the other side. As if Clementine was on a tea cup ride, without her body actually physically spinning itself. She could feel that she was nearly at her breaking point.

'-memories that I never want to rid myself of.'

Widening her eyes once more, Clementine covered her mouth as she could feel that she could no longer hold everything in. Making a dash straight for her bathroom, it took no time for her to stick her head straight in the toilet as indescribable things began to rush out of her mouth.

Clementine had pushed down her unnatural feelings down as much as she could, much like the bile that had built itself up in her stomach. She had already gone through the pain of a similar experience once, and she was sure that she didn't want to go through it once more.

' "Why did you accept Gabe's proposal?" '

' "A leader's image is number one." '

' "You feel lonely a lot, don't you?" '

' "-expects you to be this superhuman of a person." '

'W h a t  w o u l d  m o m m y  a n d  d a d d y  w a n t?'

Clementine's stomach eventually settled, unlike the lines of dialogue that fuzzily continued to pass through her inner thoughts. Shakily making her way back to her room, Clementine practically threw herself on her bed as she wanted to lay down as soon as she possibly could. Since, she could feel her mind giving out on her as if it had done what it needed.

Feeling her eyes growing heavy, Clementine didn't fight back as her body also seemed to be ready to rest once more. As she could feel herself hitting the point of falling asleep, one last broken up piece of dialogue slipped its way into Clementine's stream of thought.

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