Is this... Love? Chapter 1:

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My name is Sakura Takahashi.

People call me Sakura , I guess.

Well my life is more.. Sad then other people's.

My mom and dad died on a car crash on my birthday..

Yeah. Very tragic. None of my other guardians would want me. So I had to live alone.

I'm also a famous cell phone writer. Although that's a secret. I'm known as Cherry.

But one day.. My life changed. All because of one guy..





Kaito Yamashita


I woke up and stretched my arms and yawned. I squinted my eyes and looked at my alarm clock. My eyes widen. "I'm gonna be late! On my first day of school!"

I jumped out of bed and dashed to the bathroom.

After I finished i grabbed an apple and my book bag and started to run.

Uniform? Check

Food? Check

Cell phone? Check

Bookbag? Check

.. Seems like I got everything.

I better run faster. I kept on running snd running until I finally found my school.

I entered the gate as people stared at me and whispered. I could hear them, not clearly but I'm able to hear what they say.

"Who's she?"

"A new student?"

"Isn't she a bit cute?"

I sighed and went to the office to get my class. Since I wasn't here on the first day of school..

I got my class. Class 2-4.. Hmm. Maybe I should ask someone.

I kept on walking and saw a boy. Since he's the first person I saw I'll ask him..

But. I'm shy so it's going to be hard asking him. I took a deep breath and asked the boy.

"E-Excuse me!"

The boy stopped and turned around. He looked annoyed. "So I have a new fangirl now? Are you gonna confess to me or something?"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry if im annoying you. But I'm new to this school... C-can you show me where class 2-4 is?"

"2-4? That's my class."

*Rinnngg ringggg* the school bell rung.

"Follow me. I'll show you." I nodded and followed he boy.

When people saw me following him. They were whispering.. Again. I'm so confused...

"I can't believe she talked to Kaito-Kun and it's not a confession!"

"What is that plain girl doing. Following Kaito-kun?"

I heard their whispers and looked down on the floor.

"We're here. You can put your head up now."

I looked up and saw class 2-4.

"T-Thank you."

"What's your name? I don't think I saw you before." the boy asked.

"I-I'm S-Sakura T-Takahashi."

"What a cute name. I'm Kaito Yamashita. You don't have to be afraid. I don't bite."

I nodded. "Well we better go inside."

Yamashita-kun opened the door and went in. Then I went in.

All the students stopped talking and stared at Yamashita-Kun. The girls squealed. But the boys continued to talk and stuff.

"Kyaa! I'm in the same class as Yamashita-sama"

"We're soo luckky!" the girls said ad they went to crowd Yamashita-kun.

I tried to walk over to a desk but I ended up bumping into someone.

I looked up and saw a boy. "I-Im s-sorry."

"It's fine." He smiled. I stood up and walked to the desk.

The teacher came in and everyone was seated. "So we have a new student. Sakura Takahashi. Please come up."

Oh thats me. I stooded up and walked to the front.

"Isn't that the girl who talked to Kaito-sama?"

"Let's give her a little punishment~"

"She is cute."

"Like a doll."

I introduced my self and walked back o my seat. As I was walking someone tripped me and I ended up falling on my face like a idiot..

Everyone was laughing and pointing at me.

I just realized...

Everyone had to wear short skirts...


I quicking stood up and dusted my skirt. I ran to my desk and put my head down to hide my face.

I feel like crying..

(〃^∇^)ノ (〃^∇^)ノ (〃^∇^)ノ (〃^∇^)ノ

Mhm new story. Opinions? Yeah... Hmm.. Yeah.. Lol idk. Ok bai baii ^^
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