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"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked, the smallest of smiles on his face.

Hugo hugged the clothes to his chest, the coat hangers digging into his skin. He couldn't spare his hands to talk without dropping everything he was holding. Stefan rushed forward and without a word, pulled the clothes from his hands. "Shopping for some new clothes," Hugo finally answered.

"Well, I think we better get you a basket," Stefan said. "I can carry it for you."

Hugo shook his head. "You don't need to do that," he replied.

Stefan shrugged. "Then how are you meant to talk?" Hugo frowned at the ground and rolled his eyes. Stefan was right, of course. He wouldn't be able to talk much if he had a basket in his hands. He gestured for the other man to lead the way.

One basket later and Stefan and Hugo were waiting in line to pay for his clothes. "You're not getting anything?" Hugo asked.

"Nah, I was just looking around. I didn't find anything I liked though," Stefan answered with a shake of his head. Even with the polite conversation, Hugo was still nervous. It seemed to be a constant theme when he was around Stefan. The other man was attractive, talented, friendly, all the things Hugo wasn't, and it was intimidating.

Stefan could talk to people without issue, while Hugo faltered and struggled with every sentence. It wasn't fair. He wanted to be able to talk to people and make friends without struggling, without the pity people gave him for being mute. He wanted to be like Stefan, but he hadn't realised it before. It seemed that day was the day for many epiphanies.

He thought for a second and in that second, he was called up to pay for his clothes. Maybe the clothes would help him be like Stefan. A little extra confidence and maybe he could talk to people better.

"Did you want to get something to eat? I'm starving," Stefan suggested.

"Yeah," he signed as he and Stefan walked away. "Lunch sounds nice." Stefan smiled at him and Hugo couldn't help but smile back. He couldn't help it, there was something about him that he couldn't quite explain.

The food court in the shopping centre was always busier than the rest of the building. Hugo usually avoided it like the plague, but when Stefan asked, "Are you okay to get something from here?" he nodded along like a complete idiot.

Stefan offered to pay for his lunch, despite Hugo's arguments, and the pair stood outside the shop to wait. Hugo drummed his fingers against the leg of his pants. His clothes sat in a bag held in Stefan's hand. Someone shoved him as they passed and Hugo grabbed at the first available thing to stop him face-planting on the floor.

Stefan's sleeve twisted in his fingers and his other hand shot out to balance him. "Are you alright?" he asked, and Hugo shook his head. It was getting too much. The school kids would be coming soon, the place would only get busier. "Look, let's get the food and we'll eat outside, okay?"

The minutes passed quickly and before he knew it, they were sitting outside in the cool air, roast chicken rolls lying between them on the table. "Thank you," Hugo signed and took a bite.

"Are you alright?" Stefan asked. Hugo nodded by didn't bother signing anything in response. They ate in peace and silence, satisfied with each other's company. People passed by them, the crowds grew bigger and bigger as time went by. Hugo took no notice, he just ate his roll and focused on what was going on in front of him.

Stefan smiled at him as he ate and Hugo didn't want to think about why. "Thank you for lunch. I can pay you back later," he told him.

Stefan waved him away. "Don't bother, it's fine," he said and then lifted the bag of clothes in his hands. "So, what were you shopping for?"

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