warnings 🙃

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well, in this book, there will be sexual shit. oop. and, because this book is based off a dream I had, (oh god, I'm a psychopath) there is a lil domestic abuse. I will do my best to make the domestic abuse bearable for this book, but that is one of the many reasons this book is for mature readers or whatever. please, don't leave me any hate. I have worked very heard on the first few chapters and really need you guys to understand that I'm trying to be sensitive about this stuff. It happens everyday in America and it sucks. I almost didn't include it in the book, but then there'd be no plot. I'm very hesitant to actually upload the first few chapters due to this controversy. Please, if you read this book, be very sensitive to the domestic abuse in America and every other country. Please also understand that I am trying to be sensitive while writing about it. I love writing and I've been told I'm good at it, but I don't want this book to emotionally scar anyone. I'm not saying not to read it, I'm just saying read with caution. I may include self harm as well, because it seems to fit. The self harm topic isn't as much as a controversy for me because I used to self harm, but it's still a tough topic. Please, please, please read with caution. I live all my readers very dearly and want nothing but safety for them. So, I beg of you all, read with caution and know I live you. I'm here if you EVER need to talk. Okay, Chapter One will be up soon, I guess.

xoxo, love you my grinches, Kyla 💙

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