She's Wicked Harry!

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 Harry walks into the house, after perhaps one of the longest days he has ever had at work, pleased with the fact that Draco was already home. He would soon be able to cuddle into his chest and fall into a long and peaceful sleep, Harry smiled to himself at the thought as he removed his shoes and coat at the door, a habit Draco had insisted Harry followed or the apartment would be a 'smelling rathole'.

Draco is standing in the kitchen in front of the coffee maker when Harry walks to him and wraps his hands around his boyfriend. "Hey, babe," He says into his shirt.

"Hey" Draco replied coldly, his usual passion covered by the anger in his voice. 

"What is up?" Harry asks him, worried, Draco always greets Harry with a bone-cracking warm hug and a kiss when they see each other after long days of work. "Nothin," he says making his coffee mug fly in front of him as he detached himself from Harry and walked to the tiny dining table.

"How was your day?" Harry asks him instead because maybe he had a bad day at Saint Mungo's?

"It was fine, I didn't have many patients," he says settling on the chair, and sipping his coffee. 

"Oh-kay" Well.

"How was your day,?" Draco asks Harry "Had fun at the Quidditch stadium?"

Harry was starting to understand what was this attitude about. "Well, two wizards almost died so no, I didn't have fun Dray" 

"Oh-okay, whatever you say, babe," Draco said.

"This is about Ginny, isn't it?" Harry asks him settling across from him on the table.

"Ginny?" Draco snorts "The stupid weasellete who is constantly hitting on my boyfriend all the time? No nothing about her"

"So this is about Ginny," Harry nods to himself "Draco, how do you know that she was there with me today? Are you- is there something you want to tell me" Harry could not believe that Draco was keeping an eye on him.

"What- no!," Draco said, very offended suddenly " Potter, if you are implying that I am spying  on you, I am not"

"Then, how?"

"Accio Daily Prophet" Draco mutters under his breath, and the crunched up newspaper lands between the two of them, and on the front page, there is a picture of Harry probably from when everyone cornered him and started throwing questions about the broken portkeys at him. But, what is quite noticeable in that the red-haired Ginny Weasley standing beside him has one on her arms resting on his shoulder. Surprisingly, Harry didn't remember having his pictures clicked with Ginny, or how exactly she managed to drape her hand on Harry's shoulders.

"Draco, you know I am gay right?" 

"Very funny, Potter," Draco says "Ginny knows that too, I suppose" 

"Yeah she does, we're just friends"

"You said that last week when you both danced on your birthday!" Draco yells at me 

"Draco, babe, we did not even touch each other! It was a light song, but remember when we danced?" Harry yelled back at him

"It was still a dance!" Draco yells back.

"Dray! I have to put up with her because she is Ron's sister, imagine how awkward it would be if I had to ignore her altogether, it would be the eighth year of Hogwarts all over again!"

"She is evil, Harry, she wants you back!" Draco screams, slamming his mug onto the table startling me.

"Draco, you are being ridiculous, really, she knows I am gay, and she is not evil"

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