Ten years later...
"Why don't you just talk to him?" Jenny asks before eating a spoonful of Cheerios. "If you and him both know, then talk to him about it."
Allison points her spatula at Jenny. "Don't talk with your mouthful," She turns back to the stove and scraps the over easy eggs onto a glass plate. "Anyway, I don't think I'm ready. I'm still young weather you believe it or not."
Jenny spits out her cereal, which sprays all over the new wooden table, laughing hysterically. "Young?! You're twenty-two!"
Allison grabs a rag from a cabinet below the sink and throws it at Jenny. "I still have a life raising you, you knucklehead."
Jenny wipes up her milk mess. "I'm seventeen. I'm going to graduate this year, you know."
"That doesn't mean you're going to move out right away either." Allison sighs.
Jenny shrugs. "It could," The sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway makes her jump out of her seat, dropping the milk soaked rag in the process. "Andy here's!"
Allison sighs. "I could tell," She picks up the rag before wrapping an arm around Jenny's shoulders. "Have a good first day of Senior year, and tell Andy I said good luck with Randy this year."
Jenny hugs her sister back, laughing. "I will, and have a good day at work with Fynn."
Allison pushes her sister away and laughs. "Get out here before I get a phone call from Andy."
"Okay..." She grabbed her worn down leather backpack off the back of her chair before runn8ng to the front door. "I'll see you after school!"
"No you won't!" Allison yells back.
Jenny runs out the front door, her bag hanging by one often straps from her shoulder, and to Andy's run down, rusty Ford. She throws open the passenger door, which causes rust to fall from the bottom of the door.
Jenny looks up at Andy with a smile. "When are you going to get a new truck?"
Andy shrugs. "Whenever Dad wants me to getta real job." His southern accent coming out as he speaks.
Jenny shakes her head before jumping into the truck and throwing her bag into the back seat. "I still don't understand how your Dad doesn't pay you for all your work on the farm."
Andy shrugs. "He does whataver he wants without question."
Jenny buckles her seat belt, which is falling off the truck, and sighs. "Ready for senior year?"
Andy puts the truck in reverse. "As ready as I can be, Jenny."
Jenny smiles before leaning her head against the headrest and drifting off into the sleep she needed.
Just so everyone knows, Andy is nickname for Anderson.
Please let me know what you think of the characters so far😊
Two Birds, One Stone
Teen FictionThe government chose everything, but what if they made a mistake? What if someone suffers the consequences?