Chapter 1 Confessions

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It was night time and Jasmine sat on the border of the fountain by the garden while petting Rajah. Dalia had brought her some pastries from the kitchen. She liked siting at earshot distance from her father, the Sultan in hopes of learning how to be a great leader someday. She was always trying to hear behind doors when her father would meet with the counsel members. It was something that she couldn't resist and would always skip her guitar lessons just to eavesdrop from all the meetings she could.

In occasions she would get caught by the Royal Vizier, Jafar. He was her father's most trusted advisor and it appeared that everything he advised to her father, he would agree. Sometimes it would make her jealous because it seemed as if he had her father's attention all the time, almost like he was a son to the Sultan. He was also very handsome and almost all the palace maids fell for him. Dalia would always bring the gossip from the kitchens, she loved hearing all the stories of how desperately in love all the maids were but that he didn't even notice they were there. But it was different when he would talk to her, he would always be looking at her and make her nervous because she could never figure him out.

It was getting late and she noticed that Jafar never arrived in her father's late meal. He would always pass by and tell the Sultan important news from the day but lately he wasn't. She had seen him leave the palace with some guards and sometimes he would arrive very late at night. She wondered what he was up to. It was as mysterious as he was, and she liked it.

That night she was going to confront him, she needed to find out what he was up to every other night. She finally decided to return to her chambers and sit by the balcony and keep watch.

"You might want to be careful, not to fall asleep while looking out the balcony" Dalia advised her.

"I'm not going to sleep here" Jasmine chuckled.

"Who are you spying on?" Dalia asked curiously. It wasn't the first night Jasmine had dazed in the balcony chair.

"No one I...I just like looking at the city of Agrabah. I never get to go out... I would love to be like a regular person and explore the outside of the walls maybe I should go out tomorrow" Jasmine lied a little. It was true she wanted to do that, but she didn't want to accept to Dalia that she had a crush on Jafar and that she wanted to see him arrive late at night to confront him.

"You know its obvious right? Your spying on the Vizier" Dalia said unimpressed. She knew Jasmine like the back of her hand.

Jasmine couldn't help but tell her, she was her only friend apart from Rajah. "I don't know what it is. I mean yes, he is handsome but also there is something about him that attracts me to him. He looks interesting like I can't figure him out".

"You know you have to marry a prince..." Dalia reminded her.

"I know I have to get married... but a prince? They don't know anything about the people of Agrabah like I do and Jafar has experience. I can be Sultana and he can be the Royal Vizier, its perfect" Jasmine stammered.

"Yes, he is the Royal Vizier, he's the one arranging your meetings with the princes, remember? I don't think he would risk his position with the Sultan because you have a crush on him." Dalia tried making the princess understand.

"Okay. Okay you win I'll go to bed soon" Jasmine lied. Dalia said goodnight and left to her room. Jasmine kept watch, tonight she would confront him.

Hours passed, and it was getting late she was about to give up for the night when she heard some noises from the entrance. She ducked and tried to see while avoiding getting caught spying.

"Thank you, gentlemen, for your services tonight we will have better luck another night" Jafar said to the other guards. They all said farewell and Jafar walked to his chambers.

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