It Never Rains On Sundays

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I laid comfortably in my bed, as the cotton blue sheets twisted between my toes, and the cold side of my pillow embraced my warm cheeks. I love nothing more than when my bed swallows me up, as I rest til sunrise. Sunday mornings like this, always feel the same. They're simple, organized, and perfect. My eyes flutter open, letting the little light there is wake me up. I frown at the alarm clock sitting on my bedside table, seeing how I only have 1 minute left until my feet have to hit the floor, and I have to race my brother to the bathroom. 

"On your mark, get set go ", i mumble to myself with a drowsy laugh, as I stretch and let the bottom of my feet touch the fuzzy carpet below me. I quickly retrieve the light yellow dress I had laid out for myself the night before, and creep to the bathroom down the hall.  I walk on my tiny tip-toes, not letting any of my laughter escape my mouth, even though I desperately want my little brother to know how badly he will be beaten. Victory is surely mine.  And a hot shower for as long for as I desire will  be my prize. With the bathroom only footsteps away, the morning alarms sound throughout the Gaybay household, letting everyone know it is time to get up, and get the day started. Afraid my brother will dart out of his room and claim the bathroom for himself, I run for the door, and slam it shut, with me on the other side. 

"Yasssssss. Early bird catches the worm!", I sing to myself, while doing a celebratory victory dance. " I win, I win".

"Ummm, hellooo, can a dude get some privacy!", shouted Vincent. He looked exhausted with his body slumped on the toilet, and his hair all over his head. 

"How did you get in here? You never wake up before your alarm."

"Well, I guess my body had a different plan this morning", Vincent said as he rubbed his stomach and farted repeatedly between sentences. 

" More like your butt, had different plans. See, mom told you not to eat six tacos last night." I scrunch up my nose in disgust.  

" Mom also said, as a growing boy i have to eat more, so technically I was just doing what I was told."  The smell of mushy tacos races through my nostrils as I dare to argue back. I gag in remark to the ungodly aroma.

"I am so not having this conversation with you right now. I guess victory goes to you and whatever died in that toilet.", I shout back, and slam the bathroom door behind me as I march back to my room. 

As I enter my room, I breathe in a whiff of fresh air. Hopefully my nose forgets all the trauma of the  burrito butt incident this morning. I lay my dress down of my bed and approach my desk near the window. I graze the cover of my bible that lays flat on the desk's surface. It was a present for my 10th birthday. I remember going to church with my parents when I was little, and pouting because everyone else had a grown up book, filled with words I didn't quite understand. But when I turned 10, my parents decided I was ready to carry my own book of special words. And every Sunday from then on, I've always taken my bible to church, making sure to read something out of it, the moment the sun comes up, and the moment th- -. Wait. The sun hadn't come up yet. There was no bright light in the sky. No birds chirping out my window, like in the Disney movies. Sundays were always sunny, but what was different about today? 

I lean against the window, and watch as rain drops start to swim down the window's top, and land at the window's seal. The rain begins to pour harder with every second, and I can feel the wet cool air along my arms, just by being near the window. I try and think back to another time, were a cloudy chance of hell, had ever fallen on a Sunday. Not a single day comes to mind. For as long as I can remember, Sundays were my day of peace. No chaos, no worries, no burrito bombs, and certainly no rain and thunder storms. Will today be unlike any other, a symbol of change, but i guess only God knows. Besides, it's nothing a little Ariana Grande can't fix. I pull up my Grande playlist, and get to picking out something a little more appropriate for the weather. The judgy church moms, and gossipy old women will just have to deal with my rain boots. 

I hope you readers are liking it so far, feel free to comment as much silly stuff as you like, or any feedback. 

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