Chapter 1: We ain't the same

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Chapter 1:

" Why? Why did you help me?" Janja questioned. He was in shock after his long time enemy Jasiri, just saved his life but pulling him up from a steam vent.

" I'd help any hyena Janja," Jasiri replied with a kind hearted smile. "Sisi Ni Sawa."

Janja looked down for a second. And looked back up at Jasiri. " We're the same?"

" You and your clan don't have to be on Scar's side Janja. You can join us! The Hyena Resistance and help defeat him!" Jasiri said, seemingly determined to get him on her side but she seemed joyful too.

Janja was confused and bewildered at once. His heart started to beat rapidly. His eyes widen and his body got stiff. Trying to find the right words and he looked around for a moment. He started off grunting and was able to manage out, "Well..." Suddenly memories crossed his mind and he backtracked. " I don't think so!" he shouted and he raced off into the opposite direction. He yelled behind him as he ran, saying, " We ain't the same Jasiri!"

Those last words seemed to continuously echo. And his vision became blurred and all his surroundings got darker and darker. Soon there was nothing but him and those last words.

" We ain't the same Jasiri!"

" We ain't the same Jasiri!"

" We ain't the same Jasiri!"

" Wake up Janja!"

Janja jolted awake, looking up to Nne and Tano as he panted. He took a second to catch his breath. " What is it?" Janja demanded in annoyance.

" Boss, you were talking in your sleep again," Nne chuckled. Janja growled at him to stop. Nne stopped. " Sorry boss."

" It's just that every time you have that dream, you say the same thing.' We ain't the same Jasiri!'" Tano added. " We can't help but think you got something going on with Jasiri, thinking about her in dreams. Especially if this is the same dream three nights in a row!"

The two laughed, and Janja got up and snarled. " Knock it off you fur-brains! It was just a reoccuring dream! Why would I want anything to do with Jasiri? She's the worst hyena ever known to us."

Nne and Tano stopped. " Hey! We aren't fur-brains! That's Cheezi and Chungu," Nne stated.

" Well at least Cheezi and Chungu have enough intelligence to know that I would never have a thing for that hyena with fleas in her brain!" Janja remarked as he walked out of his den. He still heard Nne and Tano chuckling as he left.

" Janja claims her to have fleas in her brain, while I believe he has too many in his to realize he has a crush on Jasiri!" Tano whispered, but it was loud enough for Janja to hear. Janja looked away from them and bared his teeth. Janja couldn't help but feel embarrassed that they had heard him sleep talking again but he brushed it off.

Janja went over to where Cheezi and Chungu were resting, which was in the middle of a clearing and nudged them. Cheezi and Chungu slowly opened their eyes but then quickly got up. " Hi Janja!" Chungu exclaimed.

"What's the plan for today, Janja?" Cheezi asked.

Janja lowered his head with his ears back. " You guys don't think I have a crush on any one, right?" Janja whispered. Janja looked behind him to see hyenas whispering and chuckling. Janja suspected that rumours had already spread to the other hyenas that Janja had feelings for Jasiri. Janja knew he never had feelings for Jasiri but the others didn't seem to be convinced ever since his recurring dreams and his sleep talking.

" Of course not!" Chungu said.

" Yeah, I haven't seen you crush anybody!" Cheezi added.

" No, no furbrains!" Janja growled. " I mean, do you think I am in love with anyone?"

" Nope not in love with anyone!" Chungu said confidently.

" Yeah, I agree!" Cheezi nodded.

" Phew, finally some hyenas that get it," Janja sighed. " I knew you guys had to be sane in something."

Janja was relieved. Maybe the other hyenas were just being stupid. If two dumb furbrains can understand Janja's feelings, then it was obvious that he didn't have feelings for anyone.

Suddenly a voice came from below. " Janja?"

Janja looked down to see one skinks. " Scar's calling for a meeting for the next plan."

" Alright, I'll catch up with you there then," Janja said. The Skink swiftly made it's way towards Scar's volcano.

Janja looked at it leaving before he turned back to Cheezi and Chungu. " Let's go boys."


" We got Mizimu Grove boys! Another victory once again!" Janja snickered walking towards home.

All the hyenas did a victory laugh. " Kion might have blown us away but we still got Mizimu Grove!"

They arrived home and the boys got tired after a long day. It was sunset and most of the hyenas went off to bed.All except Janja. Janja stayed while all of them got rested up. But decided that he needed to chill by himself for a while.

He walked away from the dens and wandered off. He was thinking about his victory with his body slightly swaying from side to side. He hummed a victory tune as he walked through the nearly empty Outlands. His ears were perked up in happiness and he continued to wander.

But then, he arrived in a place he knew all too well. He realized he was near Jasiri's territory. Territory that used to be Janja's but was stolen by Jasiri. Well Janja forgot to mark his territory that day, but it still angered Janja.

" Ugh, Jasiri's territory. I better turn back," Janja mumbled. He started to head towards the other way, when he had some another voice.

" Hey Janja, wait!"

Janja looked back and saw Jasiri peeking from the rocks. Janja frowned. " What are you doing here Jasiri?"

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