Chapter 1: Resurgence

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A/N: A super special thanks to @almostkawaii (on Ao3) and @yoongihrs (on twitter) for betaing this!! If we missed anything please let me know and I'll be sure to fix it.


Seokjin, it is time to wake up.

Wake up. These words once meant something to him.

Seokjin, there was a meaning to this combination of letters and sounds. An eternity ago, that was something that was said frequently in his direction, and a word that he answered to. But why? Why were those words so important?

Seokjin. He knew this word. He knew he did... Jin. Jinnie. There were other variations of it, and they elicited the same emotional reactions from him. Longing, sadness... but most of all, love.

Seokjin was his name, wasn't it?

Comprehension was slow, and recognition even more so. For too long his mind had been stagnant, the simulations keeping it active long since ceased, forcing it to rest. Seokjin was forced into an existence that deprived him of any interactions, much less movements. His only companion had been himself and the memories he had salvaged, but even then that hadn't been enough to keep him from going mad. Memories began to fade, events from his childhood, then his transition into an adult, and what followed after that. Speech became difficult for him to decipher and not long after that names seemed to leave his thoughts.

For so long all Seokjin knew was an oppressing and all consuming pressure of darkness. He was in a state where he wasn't dead but he wasn't really alive. He was in Limbo. Stuck in an endless darkness that he quickly became afraid of.

For centuries Seokjin wished to hear something else beside himself, to at the very least feel the gentle brush of a breeze against his skin, something; anything. But he was never that lucky. His non-existence remained until... he heard a voice, muffled and hard to hear.

He passed it off as nothing more than a longing wish, an illusion conjured up by his mind as it had done so many times before. But this time around, he could feel something different to the voice. Seokjin couldn't quite place his finger on it, why it was different this time around. It just was.

It took him another millennia to realize that the pressure around him was lessening, and there was a change to him. It began with a gentle tap against his chest. A small little action that repeated after a short amount of time.

Thump... thump... thump. The sensation quickened when Seokjin panicked—the sound and motion increased—and scared him further. The higher his panic and terror went, the faster the beat resounded against his chest.

The next thing he felt was a startling pressure against him, the touch came and went. The reverberating thump taking on a desperateness in its beat.

What was happening? Seokjin's mind mustered up a feeble thought as he was suddenly assaulted by thousands of stimuli. Hundreds of sensations begged to grab at his attention, pulling his focus at dizzying speeds. Seokjin couldn't keep up with them it was too much all at once.

Seokjin's budding conscience was overwhelmed with trying to place names to everything he was feeling, while also trying to identify himself. He was Seokjin. He remembered that much. And the thing in his chest... that was his heart, right? Was it supposed to be beating like that? What were fingers supposed to feel like? How could he make himself see again? Was speech still an action he could do at will?

While all of these thoughts were making their way through the heavy sludge that muddled his mind, the rest of him tried to readjust to the world around him. The first thing Seokjin discovered was that the unforgiving cold that had long ago taken residence within his veins was slowly giving way to a newfound warmth.

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