Part 16 - Groudon's Attack

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That's ... a Groudon?! I thought and took a step back, uh-oh... that reminds me...

"I have a gist... that person you met planted a whole bunch of legendary Pokémon in every corner or this island in the past two days, all timed to release legendaries to wreck havoc. You said you've been attacked several times, I wouldn't it past him to attack another time,"

Damn it... there are so many people here... they could get hurt! I thought and glanced around, what should I do first...?

I quickly reached both of my Pokeballs and got both Froslass and Swanna out.

"Guys, I want you to help me protect these people. Froslass, you go to the right, Swanna, to the left!" I ordered.

The two Pokémon nodded. Yep, as long as it was not to order them to attack someone or a Pokémon, they can be agreeable.

I can't really rest easy, though... I thought and gulped, those two haven't battled for a long time and it's Groudon we're talking about... the evacuation line's going smoothly, at least...

But right then, as if on cue, the ground shook once more. Groudon let out a roar and the earth quakes even stronger, throwing some people into the air, which in turn slowed down the evacuation line. I gritted my teeth as I looked up to the creature.

They're not going to hold... I need to do something else... I thought, glancing around nervously.

But then, suddenly I spotted something moving from the distance. Not just one thing, it looks like a... horde?

Huh? A horde? I thought and put my hand to my eyebrow level, the earthquake was so powerful that the Pokemon who live around the area came running down the hill!

Soon enough, just as I dreaded, the horde was stampeding around the area, messing the evacuation line and trampling people along the way. I gritted my teeth as I looked around. Froslass and Swanna are both trying to get the horde away from the crowd, but they were clearly outnumbered and overpowered. Groudon, on the other hand, looked up to the sky with a satisfied roar. As if it was proud with what it was doing.

Oh, no! What do I do now? I thought, now I can't go anywhere near Groudon to reign it in like last time... with this many Pokémon around... should I'll catch something new?

I looked around. There were a bunch of ground and rock type Pokemon, such as Krookodiles, Geodudes, Baltoys, and more coming from the hill area. I recalled seeing a desert beyond the hills on the map. There were also a few dark type Pokemon like Sableyes and Mawiles as well, possibly from the mines. Then there were some fire-types stampeding about from a different direction, the prairie outside the city: several Monfernos, Ponytas, and Houndours. Unfortunately, none of those types are the best to fight Groudon with.

Well, I couldn't exactly expect a water type to pop out in the middle of the city... I thought and looked around in panic, wait... are there any waters around the area? But who can I ask...? Whoa!

On my left and right, the crowd was running away from Groudon and began pushing each other without minding their surroundings one bit. The momentum violently rocked me right and left, and eventually to a spin. Just then, I spotted a gleam in the distance. It was coming from a metal box, twice as tall as the tables, reflecting the light from Groudon's Flamethrower.

That's... I thought and squinted me eyes, the bakery wagon! Wait, that's...

Right then, I noticed that behind the wagon, there was a tall white fluffy hat sticking out. And right there was the old baker crouching behind his wagon.

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