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Hi everyone,

Firstly, I would like to apologise.

It has been at least five years since I was properly active on OmegaMine, and I would like to say thank you to all those that stayed with my account even though I did not. I can't count the amount of times I nearly came back to OmegaMine, then felt scared so created a new account - which I then deleted through my fear.

So now, five years on, I'm fighting fear and coming back!



Why did I leave?

I was in my third year at university, my stress and anxiety were getting the worst of me and I had just rehomed an abused Siberian Husky (who is alive and well). I didn't have the mental state to keep writing and updating.

So for my mental state, I stopped.

Did you stop writing?

I never stopped writing. I wrote so much... but on a bad day I wiped my laptop clean, loosing everything. Everything I have ever written, lost. Except on Wattpad. OmegaMine still holds all the stories save the first chapter, the first chapters are forever lost.

Will you put the stories back up?

Yes! (Excluding the first chapters as they are lost). Now that I think back, I'm not sure why I took them down in the first place. Wiping the slate clean, maybe? Yet I never truly deleted them, maybe I knew one day I would be brave enough to come back.

What about the other accounts you created?

Gone. So many times over the past five years, I have tried to come back, one way or another, but this time, I'm not creating a new account, instead, I am coming back.



Again, I would like to thank everyone, you truly don't understand how wonderful it feels to know that even after such a long time, you are still here.

What have you been doing?


I finished University, gaining a BA Hons in Graphics.

Then decided that graphics wasn't for me and went to work with horses (I know, it's completely different). It was during this time my confidence grew and I started trying to come back to Wattpad. But working with horses is time consuming and hard, especially when you have your own horse and dog and family on top.

For unfortunate reasons, I left the world of working with horses and now work in the family business which has made me more stable mentally.

Which is how I got to writing this post.



What now?

My main goals to complete by the end of July 2019:

[  ] start to republish all former works (please remember that they will not have their first chapter)

[  ] refresh my profile, get a new background, though I might keep the profile picture the same

My main goals to complete by the end of August 2019:

[ ] upload new content (once everything is up, I will let you all know what is upcoming, I have a couple of works in the making that I want to share with you all!)




Speak to you soon!

Here's to writing! :D

OmegaMine x

Fighting FearWhere stories live. Discover now