Chapter 1: The Escape From Normality

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I was born in a small village called Blockton, during a solar eclipse. I lived in the village for my whole life, yet I always wanted to explore. Whenever I asked if I could go adventuring, my mom would just tell me not to. My dad left before I was even born. I'm an elf, or at least half elf, since my Mom was Elvish, but I don't know what my dad's race was. Anyways, my name is Ethan, and I have never been normal.


CHAPTER 1: The Escape From Normality


March 5th, 1190, 12:00



Lunch started, so I went to the table to eat. The church offered a certain amount of food, and it had to be healthy. Boring food like apples and carrots. We couldn't afford education, but the church offered a free education to anyone who promises to be a priest or nun for the rest of their lives. So my mom promised the church that I would be a priest if I got education. So technically, I had no choice of what job I wanted. The only way not be a priest was to run away. And that's just what I planned on doing.


I went and sat beside Aaron and Faith. They were my only friends. Aaron was always getting in trouble, (usually for redstone pranks and trolling the nuns) and had the best sense of humour. Most people called him Spike as a nickname. (from a famous prank he pulled involving a spike taped to a chair) And Faith was actually not poor at all; her parents were nobles; but her parents wanted her to be a nun, so she still went to the same school. She was the person I had a minor crush on, but we were just friends. Faith was very good with art, and also very rebellious. Together the three of us were the best of friends, and always pranking the nuns. (Aaron in charge of the pranks) We'd all been friends since we were three years old. Now we were all 13.


I had told them of my plans to run away, and we were all going to go. March 5th was the day. So we started talking about it, in hushed tones.


"So, let's go over the plan.", I said, looking at both of them, "Aaron, you go first. Say you need to go to the bathroom, and then run as fast as you can home. If the nuns catch you, you'll get in huge trouble. Once you've packed all of your' things, go to the town square. That's where we'll meet. And Faith, same thing, just five minutes after Aaron. I'll go after you."

They nodded. "I guess this is it.", said Aaron, "see you at the town square." With that he left. Faith left a few minutes later. Then it was my turn. I asked the teacher - a villager nun named Margaret - to go to the washroom. I opened the church doors and ran. I ran as fast as I could to my house; if I didn't I would definately get a ruler to the knuckles.


I entered my small wooden house, and ran to my room. Luckily, my mom was out working at the kings' farmlands, so nobody was home except my dog, Ranger. I grabbed some clothes, food, and important things, but only the important supplies. I also grabbed a knife and my lucky bow. And of course Ranger.


As I stood in front of my house, I felt a tinge of regret. I would miss my home village, but I had to leave. I would miss my house, my mom, The Castle, the beautiful mountains, everything. I sighed and left. I jogged to the town square, where Faith was waiting. Aaron was still not here. We waited a few minutes, chatting about stuff, when he arrived. I could see why he took so long. He had a chest full of redstone, and he was carrying way too much. "Seriously?", Faith asked. "Dude, you can't carry that much redstone!", I said. Then I came up with an idea. We stole a mule and let it carry the chest. The mules reward was carrots and wheat.

We all laughed and talked, as we left the village - the village I knew that I wouldn't return to for a long, long time.

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