The Moon's Daughter

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Looking out the window I stared at the beautiful full moon. I always loved the moon, it was really comforting to me as a child to just know that it would always be there. I even got a tattoo of the moon on my left wrist when I turned 18. I always just felt connected to the moon and earth for some reason. As a kid I always thought the moon was following me around and just looking out for me. The earth was like a silent protector as well, I just loved nature.I always felt more at home in nature and during the night as well.

I heard footsteps leading up to my door and then knocking on my door.

"Terra?" I turned to look at my door just in time for my mom to open the door. I looked at her beautiful brown curls and caramel skin and deep brown eyes. I looked the opposite of her mostly, my hair was jet black due to me dying it and my skin was olive toned, all going along with my green eyes. I looked incredibly different from my mom and even my father who was hispanic.

"Yes mom?" I grabbed my pillow and hugged it close to me, waiting for her to speak.

"I just wanted to come and say goodnight sweetie." She smiled before coming over and hugging me and kissing my head.

"Goodnight mom, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart." She walked back to the door and turned around giving me one last smiled before walking away.

I looked at the door for a bit before turning back to the window and looking at the moon.

Hmm what color should I dye my hair next? Pink? Navy blue? Red? No no maybe Purple! Yeah a nice Lavender color!

I sighed before turning off my lamp and sliding further into my bed and pulling my covers up my body.

I was just falling into my sleep when I heard a faint "Goodnight my sweet baby" in my ears.

The next day I woke up and rolled over grabbing my phone off the charger.

I opened it and saw some texts from my best friends Tyler and Kiara.

I got up and stretched before getting up out of bed and heading towards my bathroom.

I took a shower and washed my hair before I brushed my teeth and hair and got dressed for the day. I headed downstairs and said good morning to my older sisters and my parents. My sisters both look like the perfect combination of my parents, I, apparently got my looks from my grandparents. I'm not complaining though, my grandparents must have been gorgeous!

I ate breakfast and went back upstairs to grab my wallet and keys, I wanted to go out and do some errands and buy some hair dye. I was in the mood for a change and a new hair color was exactly what I needed.

I waved goodbye to my family members and was on my way to do some errands.

I went to the store and got some snacks and some hair dye before I went to McDonalds and got some food and headed home.

Once home I decided to do my hair before I go laze around and do nothing, since I wanted my to enjoy my Saturday before I had a homework filled Sunday.

I've been sitting in the bathroom for about two hours waiting to rinse out the lavender dye from my hair. My sister Charlotte knocks on my bathroom door. Charlotte looked exactly like my mother, a carbon copy. Looking at her really made people think we aren't related but trust me we are.

"Yes come in!" She pushed the door open and looked at me and smiled.

"I see you're changing your hair color again." She smirked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I thought it was time for a change."

"Yeah I understand change...How are you since you broke up with Skylar?"

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