3. No More Backaches

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[Short story No.3]

Do you believe humans can fly? Most probably not, and you'd be loony if you did. But what if there are humans who can really fly, and they are really good at concealing their abilities? What if there are people living with us at this very moment, and they have hidden the cure for cancer for what ever selfish reason. If you think about this, many amazing discoveries might be happening right under our noses, and we would have absolutely no clue of even the existence of it.
Recently, a cure was exposed to the masses which was concocted right under everyone's noses in a laboratory somewhere between Africa and Australia 8 years ago, which was previously thought to be impossible to manufacture. The cure for the Alzheimer's disease.

The disease was exterminated for the very first time from a patient's brain. It was the 122nd attempt in history to try and get rid of the disease. This process was called neuro-regeneration, where the brain cells worked in repair mode, instead of damaging the brain like the disease usually did. For the very first time, hope spread like wildfire all over the fatal-illness and no-cure disease world. It was just a week after Suzen Barnes, the very first successful patient to be cured from Alzheimer's. Myself and Harry Barnes, Suzen's husband, was doubtful whether we should release this discovery of ours and the MRA (the Machine of Reverse Action), which was the machine used for the cure of the disease. Initially we were going to keep this technology hidden, because there were some nasty governmental wars. That's what happened with the supposedly cure for cancer in 2037. Everybody wanted their hands on it, although later it was found out to have been completely false. This made us think twice before accepting a few agreements from the world government. But Suzen wanted every patient around the world to benefit from this amazing discovery. She pushed us to help all who needed the cure, because it wasn't just the patients, it was the families who suffered as well.

I remember how bad it was for Harry, he really lost himself. It was the saddest moments of his life. I can only imagine what it would be like for someone so close, to forget who you are. The specifications of the MRA and the chemistry of the cure was planned to be given to many companies in early June 2145, but this did not occur. We didn't give any cure to any government or health organisation whatsoever. It was not needed. Was this going to make the world loose hope? Definitely not! Let me explain another something that happened right under everyone's noses!

While Harry and I was busy with some early paper work the Aluben government wanted us to see to, before they could officially get access to our wonder serum for the cure, something tickled my neurons. It was a bit like the feeling Harry must have felt when I mentioned to him the words, 'no more backaches', just an hour ago, well, I think it was an hour. Anyway, my brain seemed to have expanded, even after all the expanding it did when we were working on the MRA. I was thinking about the cells in our bodies, specifically the ones in our brain, neurons. I didn't notice anything peculiar, but it could be that Suzen, may God rest her soul, could have lost her memories for those two years she had the disease and even more. Yes, I'm well aware that those memories were already eaten away by the disease itself, but what would happen if any normal person without any brain disease did the treatment? What if Harry, or I, went through the neuro -regeneration process? The MRA caused Suzen's neurons to work in reverse. So instead of it damaging and braking the brain down, it repaired and fixed it. But you see, this is where my brain tingled...

I don't have much knowledge on this specific type of science, which is actually quite widespread in the scientific community, but here we go - The cells in your body, was it there last year? Was it there ten years ago? Apparently not. All the cells in your flesh are different than they were a few years ago, because everyday thousands of cells in your body die, and many are born through cell division. So every year, you're actually a whole body different than you were the previous year, although you don't feel it. This is the aging process, and it's got me quite bad, backaches and wobbly knees, the works. You see, because our cells only exist in the time they are in, for example: your cells of last year are not present in your body today, and your cells of next year aren't either, so the cells in our bodies are bound by time, hence they are time-specific. Only specific cells exist in your body for specific periods. So if Suzen's neurons were being regenerated via the process of the MRA, could this mean that her brain travelled to the past? This doesn't seem logical, which I agree with, but what would the implications be if we were to regenerate every cell in an entire body? Was time travel possible? My theory got the better of me, and so I began my journey to build the world's very first time machine, right under everyone's noses!

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