Harry's Discovery

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"Draco, where are you? You said to be here at 12

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"Draco, where are you? You said to be here at 12.00." Hermione calls as she stands in the room of Requirement.

"Right here, I missed you all summer." Draco says as he steps out from the corner of the room. 

Hermione turns around and smiles when she sees Draco. "Draco, I missed you too." She runs into Draco's arms and gives him a passionate kiss. "I wish we didn't have to hide our relationship, I love you so much, I just want to shout it to the world sometimes."

Draco hugs Hermione. "I know, I love you too, but we can't tell a soul. if my friends or anyone else for that matter finds out you could be hurt, and i'll be damned if I let anything happen to you."

"I know, I really do, I just wish everything was different and we could be together without this stupid war.... I love you." Hermione sighs.

"I Know Mione, I know." Draco starts kissing Hermione and guiding her to the bed that's in the room.

"Draco." Hermione says as she kisses Draco's neck. "Make love to me!" Hermione  says kissing Draco again.


After spending hours of pure bliss together in the room of Requirement Draco walks Hermione back to her common room then when she walks in.

"What are you doing out at 4 in the morning?" Someone says sceptically behind Hermione.

Hermione turns around to find Harry sitting in an armchair. "OMG, Harry, you scared the shit out of me." 

"You still haven't answered my question, why are you the head girl out of bed at 4 in the morning." Harry asks.

"I could ask you the same thing Mr head boy, way aren't  you asleep?" Hermione asks.

"Well I couldn't sleep, but I was here in the common room while you were where exactly?!" Harry asks suspiciously.

"I went for a walk, but it's none of your business." Hermione says then starts walking to her room.

"Really, a walk? Well how do you explain your messy hair and that huge hickey on your neck."

Hermione stops dead in her tracks . "Well i, i, i......... is it really that noticeable?" Hermione asks as she turns around.

"Yeah, very. Did you have sex with him or what?" Harry asks with a snicker as he walks to Hermione's bedroom door.

"What if i did? And why do you even care? But to answer your question, yes their is a guy, yes i was just with him, but i'm not telling you his name, now goodnight, i'm going to bed, i'm tired." Hermione says.

"So, then you just lost your virginity, who is it? You have to tell me." Harry says.

"Nope, i'm not telling, now goodnight." Hermione says then she goes to her room and shuts the door in Harry's face. 

"Hey, that hurt!!" Harry says then he goes to his room, all the wile wondering who Hermione's mystery guy is.


2 weeks later Hermione is outside worrying about how she will continue seeing Draco without her friends finding out.

"What am i going to do? I know Harry and he is going to catch on to whats going on. God, but I love Draco, it's just not fair. Why do we have to be so different, I just know in my heart that Draco is the one for me. Well if Harry finds out then i'll just tell him that I love Draco and i'll never leave him, simple as that." Hermione says to herself.

Draco sees Hermione sitting outside under a three, so he goes up to her, sits down and wraps his arms around her wast. "Hey baby, what are you thinking about?"

"Harry knows i'm seeing someone, but i bet you he'll find out it's you eventually, and when he does, I'm scared about what will happen. I love you, but what if me loving you causes you to get hurt because my friends don't want us together?" Hermione says in worry as she looks at Draco.

"Listen, I don't care, your friends can hurt me all they want but they'll have to kill me to keep me away from you, i love you Mione."

"I know, and I love you too, we'll figure everything out, but for now we just have to make sure we don't  get caught." Hermione says then stands up with Draco and kisses him.

"Guess what-" Harry says as he comes out from behind a tree. "-I'm here  so it's too late, you have been caught. What I don't get is why Hermione? Why on earth would you want to be with a ferret like that, and sleep with him on top of it?"

Both Draco and Hermione turn around.

"OMG, Harry, you scared me. Listen, I can explain." Hermione says with panic.

"Don't bother, I already know, my best friend is sleeping with the enemy and she's completely ok with it."  Harry says.

"Listen, I know this is a shock for you but you have to know, i love him so much, he means everything to me, and Draco loves me too, so can you please try to understand, i love him." Hermione says.

"Hermione, it's Malfoy, I just... I don't want you to be with him, you can't be with him." Harry says.

"Harry, you can't tell me what to do. I love Draco and he love's me, so either accept this and try to understand or GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Hermione says in annoyance.

"I have to go." Harry says then runs off to tell Ron.

"Draco, what are we going to do now." Hermione asks in panic.

"I don't know baby, we'll just have to wait and see, don't worry i won't let anything happen to you." Draco says.

"I lov......." Hermione begins to say but passes out and feints before she can finish.

"OMG. Hermione!!!!!!!!!! I need to get Hermione to the hospital wing now!!!" Draco say in panic as he picks Hermione up then takes her to the hospital wing fast where he puts her on a bed and rushes to get Madam Pomfrey. "Madam Pomfrey, Hermione's unconscious!" Draco says as he bangs on Madam Pomfrey office door.

Madam Pomfrey opens the door. "Where is she? What happened?"

"She's over here, we were just talking then she suddenly just feinted." Draco says as he leads  Madam Pomfrey to Hermione.

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