✦26. The Darling's Fiancé meets his Girlfriend✦

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you're a diablo – Simon Curtis

"Are you stupid!  'we agreed to be friends, so we can't be spouses anymore', my ass!"


"shut up! go right fucking now and tell him you don't want that!"

"But! I said I wanted it..."

"no, you fucking don't! who'd let go of a onetime chance to get married and then not fuck?"

"um.... You? hehe"

"be serious dude! Now, get out and don't come back unless you make that man agree to your terms! get your status as fiancé and soon-to-be spouse reclaimed!"


Yes, that is how Jimin was abandoned from his own bestie's home, kind of in good faith.

Exhaling a long sigh, Jimin drove as he diligently repeated Taehyung's words like an evil chant in the walls of his hippocampus.

Honestly, Jimin doesn't feel like doing this, no he really doesn't. Just consider that he has to confront Jungkook on the topic again and possibly due to the older's personality, he'll definitely be scolded as an extra credit.

Fuck that!

I rather don't.

Jimin made a face.

But then again, the boy understands where Taehyung was coming from. His wisdom. Yep, Jimin trusts Taehyung a lot and ultimately depends on his prudent advices too. Besides, it's not like there wasn't a damn logic to the blonde's advice!

If Jungkook Hyung thinks he can deal with Jimin and set him aside just by drawing a friendship line between them and friend zoning him can relieve him or de-stress his life, then definitely he doesn't know who Jimin is and what he is capable of!

Thus, entirely incensed with the idea and fueled by the leftover motivation of Taehyung, here he is!

Just now, for a second time today, Jimin has confidently parked in-front of Auditor Jeon's Mansion.

Breathing secondly, the teenager ditto reiterated to himself as to how his purposes to mayhap bother his fiancé again; are very noble.

Hell yeah!

I'm just giving Hyung a piece of my mind for depriving me of my properly pure sex life!

Fuck being pals!

And there Jimin nodded his head. His eyes behind the black shades gleaming in resolve, as he pushed those jogger-ed feet out on the service road and stood out straight, like a man.

Damn right!

I won't get scared of him anymore!

Resultantly, determined in this new mood, clad in different clothes from morning provided they served their purpose or at least the shirt did, since Jungkook did nag him for it; and additionally another reason to the changed wardrobe is because he was here to beg his way to an agreement, right?

He has to be as accepting of Jungkook's orders as possible for a greater good.

Yeah so, like a mannered boy Auditor Jeon always demands of him; Jimin is putting up with same grey shorts from morning, and has matched them with a white round color T-shirt borrowed from Taehyung, a black blouson jacket also borrowed and lastly a black panel hat with black shades ditto rented just for tonight; to complete his punk look.

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