Master Plan (UsUk)

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Summary: -Police Hetalia- Captain Arthur is faced with another challenge in store. The Orbis Police Force is confirmed to have a traitor and it was his job to find the suspect before it was too late. However, the job is too big for one person alone. His only hope is within the criminal mastermind, Alfred F. Jones. Now, they'll have to get along in order to catch the traitor. Rated T because of language. UKUS

"I'm suppose to find this guy." Arthur eyed the papers scattered on his work desk carefully. There was said to be traitor hiding among the Orbis Police Force. He was trusted enough to be given the private assignment to find him and arrest him. But that meant he needed the help of someone so unimaginable. Someone who has never been fully caught by authorities.

Alfred F. Jones, a criminal mastermind, was known worldwide. His crimes range from his most acknowledged crime of hacking the UN's website to good old fashion robbery. The only description that was gathered from evidence was that he wore a pair of frames and is twenty two years old.

Shit. How was he suppose to find this guy that even the Orbis Police Force couldn't catch. We're scattered all over the world! Suddenly, a light bulb appeared above his head. Arthur mentally slapped himself and directed his focus to his laptop. He had a Facebook account! To be honest, he was "friends" with him on the website. Though whenever they try to trace back to the source, he was gone in a flash. According to rumors, he has more than five thousand bloody hideouts across the entire United States. And probably more across the whole world.

Maybe if he went and talk to him, he could bribe the fellow to assist him. Then afterwards, they can arrest him and be on their merry way. Of course it wouldn't be that easy but it was Arthur's only idea. Please let this work.

In order to kill some time (he really needed a new laptop), he brewed himself a cup of tea. Well in reality, three cups of tea. It was only until a half an hour later (his laptop would be his downfall he swore) that the message was sent thoroughly and now all Arthur had to do was wait patiently.

After two hours, he was considering to just fucking go home for the rest of the day. Anyway if he waited all day for this message to arrive, the rest of the Orbis Police Force would be suspect that he was up to something. And the whole point was to find the traitor in a secret matter. He didn't want whoever the traitor was to assassinate him in his slumber.

If you were wondering what's so big about the Orbis Police Force, it's a worldwide police force organized by the UN. Each country would have a representative captain who would lead under their wing an entire police force. Every officer is highly trained and are considered more loyal than even the US president's personal bodyguard. He happened to represent the entire United Kingdom after being mailed personally from England's Prime Minister(he was only a London police officer back then) that he would be an Orbis Police Force captain.

The only thing he really knew was that person was also a captain like him. It's a dangerous job for that captain happened to lead an entire police squad that respect and obeys him or her. The only person that can help him find the traitor was this guy that wouldn't FUCKING reply back. God he sounds like he's his wife.

No pain, no gain!

Orders are orders!

"Hello. This is Arthur Kirkland, who is this?" Arthur assumed it was probably one of his old colleagues. Simply because after he became a representative captain, he has lost all touch with his former friends.

"Konbanwa, this is Kiku." His eyes lit up at the name. Kiku, his close friend of his. The two were always found enjoying each others company with of course a cup of tea in each of their hands. And like him, he was a representative captain. Wait.. that means he's a suspect too. The UN specifically stated that to leave no man out in the suspect list. Sorry Kiku. God, he hated the world sometimes.

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