Part 1 of 4: Star-Alignment Man vs. a Bowl of Cereal

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Meet Phillip Millmore.

Well, normally he's Phillip Millmore and when he is, that is when he reaches the full potential of his happiness because, on those days, he is just like you, me, and the rest of humankind. He lives, eats, sleeps, and breathes. He is no better, or worse than any of us, and there is a kind of peace in that. Many people say they want to be unique, but do they really mean it? Phillip Millmore often says he doesn't want to be unique, and he definitely means it. You see, Phillip Millmore found out a long time ago that when you are unique, people want something from you, and sometimes what they want is to see you dead, and that is where we join Phillip Millmore today, dead -yes, dead- and sealed in a block of concrete.

Perhaps, now would be a good time to backtrack just a bit and find out a little more about our hero. 

 Phillip Millmore is just a man most of the time, but sometimes, he is the only man on the entire planet to have superpowers. 

 That's pretty great. 

 The only catch is, he only gets these powers one time a month and that only happens when the stars are perfectly aligned. That really makes it hard to do Super Hero stuff. 

 It goes like this:

1)He starts off doing something that he desperately needs superpowers for.

2) While he has his powers, things progress pretty well.

3) When he needs his powers the most, the stars get unaligned.

4) Phillip Millmore aka Star-Alignment Man, goes . . .Splat.

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