Under the Influence

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The music was boisterous, almost overbearing as the couple walked in. Kirito and Sinon found a small booth all to themselves, setting their gear down. "Ugh, today was tiring..", Kirito groaned, snapping his chestplate off. "Ah, true. But all that means is we get to relax after a hard days work, and just take the rest of the day off~", She responded, leaning against him, her head on his shoulder. "Ah~ Then shall we have a little toast to relaxing, with just you and me~?" He told her, sighing contently. Sinon shifted awkwardly, leaning her head up, "Um...okay..?" She said uncertainly. Kirito started teasing her, pulling up the menu and ordering two glasses filled to the brim with whiskey. "Come on, don't be such a pussy~" He teased furthermore. Sinon's ears twitched, her tail hitting him. Her cheeks were flushed, accompanied with bright red, fluffy cat ears. "Fine then..! I'll do it, just don't call me that!" She retorted. The swordsman clasped his glass happily, sliding over the other one to the flustered cat. She hesitated, while next to her the long-haired boy chugged down the glass in seconds, slamming it back on the table. She stared in utter shock, slowly reaching for her glass. She attempted to follow suit, a shaky hand holding the glass while she slowly but surely gulped the intoxicating, hard liquor down her throat. She made a little 'hic' noise that went unnoticed, as the swordsman raised his glass. "To us, so we can relax the fuck out of today! Now, let's keep going!" The timid sniper clinked her glass against his gently, a little fuzzy from downing the strong booze.

After about chugging down three more glasses of the intoxicant the sniper was curled up against her lover, purring. Her tail swishing happily as she rubbed her face all over his shoulder, ending up in the crook of his neck, licking softly. She slowly scooted into his lap, nibbling on the cartilage of his ear. Kirito's heavy breathing turned into soft moans and the rutting of his hips against her ass. With shaky hands he struggled to lift her hips and pull away, grabbing on to her waist only made things worse when she moaned. Directly in his ear. As soon as the noise went through his ear he backpedaled away from her with a 'tent' forming in his pants. "Kiritooooo..~~" She begged seductively, crawling back over to him. "Kiritooo~ Come on, I just wanna play a little..~~" He paused. 'Well. She's obviously drunk...and a lightweight..~ Hm.' Thinking about it, he responded, "I just wanna relax today, honey. We can do that all later I promise..~" She pouted at that response, she obviously didn't like it at all. She quickly crawled under the table getting right down on her knees while she positioned herself between Kirito's legs. Upon seeing the fluffy blue hair poking out from underneath the table, Kirito hastily closed his legs, cementing them shut. She whined loudly, trying to pry his legs apart so she could unlatch his buckle. He wouldn't let her. He stood up abruptly and leaned down to grab her hand to pull her out from underneath the table. The whiny cat tried clawing at him to let go, but he had a strong grip on her and yanked her to one of the unisex bathrooms, locking himself and her in a stall together.

The boy sighed as he looked at the sniper with a somewhat stern look. "Fuck, you're so goddamn horny...we'll have to wait a while for you to calm down, there should be a water fountain nearby..", He thought aloud to himself, mumbling. She responded with an "I'm perfectly fiiiiiiiinnnne~" Which was extremely slurred and over exaggerated. Kirito sighed again, this time rolling his eyes along with it. He stepped forward, towards the toilet bowl. "I'm just going to quickly go to the bathroom and we'll go have fun. Just turn around first" He mumbled,"I'm not risking leaving you alone by yourself.." He quietly unbuckled his pants, Sinon's ears perked as she heard the sound, yelling 'no' as she stood in front of him before he could tug down his pants. "Why use a crummy toilet when you can use me, your loyal kitty..~~" She said it in a shy tone, accompanied with a seductiveness that Kirito never could resist. Astonished, the swordsman just stood there, with his unbuckled pants starting to droop. "Y..you'd seriously let me do that~?," He asked hopeful. She nodded back, and placed her hands on the rim of the toilet bowl, propping her ass up for him. She slowly scooted up, resting her legs on top of the bowl. He grabbed the top of her combat shorts, and yanked them down to her knees. She was dripping. Liquids from the sniper were plastered all over her shorts, and more kept dripping down from her wet vadge splattering again, onto her shorts. Kirito was getting hard just looking at her, he wasted no time rubbing his thick length against her clit. She let out long breathy moans, twitching every time he rubbed against her cunt. He pushed in some, but Sinon wriggled her hips away, whining as she did so. "What is it..? I thought you wanted this..~" Kirito asked, a little disappointed. She mewed in response, bringing her hands back, spreading her ass for him, so he could see her puckered pink hole. "O..oh..~~" He moved his gloved hand between her legs, rubbing a few seconds before moving up to her hindquarters, rubbing the liquids from her cunt into the hole. The blue-haired kitten mewled with each press her lover made on her hole, clamping a hand over her mouth when she heard someone walk in. Kirito pulled his hand away, setting it on her ass. He rubbed the tip of his length into her pink hole, forcing himself halfway inside her, with one aggressive thrust. "Nnnaayyahh~~~!!!", Kirito grabbed her wrists and tugged them back as he continuously thrusted into her ass. Legs shaking, the sniper arched as she got vigorously fucked by her swordsman, repeatedly mewling and screaming,"Kiritoooo~~~!!". Hearing a few more people enter the bathroom, he let one of the sniper's wrists go and shoved his fingers in her mouth, gagging her. He moaned softly, moving again just as he could feel a knot form -either from the need to release 'energy' or the need to release his onset of arousal. He kept shoving into the sniper's asshole, moaning and teasing her. "Nnghh, yeah~~? You like squeezing around my throbbing cock while I fuck your tight little asshole.~~" He growled at her, like the hungry animal he was. "You love it when fuck your ass, don't you.~~ You like that thick, hard cock inside you.~" He continued thrusting into the cat, pounding deeper into her ass, making her bite down on the fingers shoved in her mouth. She squeezed his dick hard when she came, liquids falling down into the toilet bowl as well as dirtying her shorts further. Feeling her contract, the swordsman howled shoving into her ass all the way, shooting a mixture of thick, sticky white liquid and a thinner, hot liquid inside her. Kirito grunted as he slowly pulled out of her, keeping his hands on her waist to help steady her. She mewled, complaining that her lover pulled out too soon, while the cum and piss mixture poured out of her, into the toilet. "Oh, shush, I'll give you more soon enough, you filthy dump.~~" He backed up, tugging back on his pants.

After the liquids stopped pouring out of Sinon, she got up, shaky. She slowly put her feet back down, steadying herself on the wall, pushing herself up and turning around to her swordsman. She held onto his shoulders while he innocently pet her tail, different from him pounding and scratching her just moments ago. Sinon purred at the touch, voice a little strained from being gagged. Her tail wrapped around his hand, squeezing gently. That caught his attention, and once he looked at her, he knew he was screwed. She had her arms draped around his neck, a shy yet submissive expression looking up at him, an expression Kirito could never resist. She leaned close, a slurred whisper in his ear, "Come on, Kiritooooo..~~ Let's get out of here so we have more space, I still want you to do it with me, pleeeeaase..~~?" By the time she was finished talking her hand moved down to his crotch, starting to rub him hard. Kirito bit his lip, nodding.

After waiting for everyone to leave the bathroom the couple walked out of the stall, Kirito locking the bathroom door, and Sinon propping herself up on the counter. She pulled everything off, spreading her legs on the cold marble. Kirito walked over to her shrugging off his jacket, as the sniper blushed hard. She always loved seeing his toned body, his somewhat muscular form showing his more dominant side. After he finished taking off his clothes, he started to ravish the sniper, like he'd done to her forbidden hole. Well, it used to be forbidden. He began rubbing her clit with his fingers, moving his mouth down from her neck to her bright pink nipples. She pulled him close, moaning his name. She loved his mouth praising her chest as well, like every swirl of his tongue was telling her how beautiful and delicious she was. He licked her chest, gently at first, until he started growling and pulling on the pink nub. She moaned louder this time spreading her legs, he pulled his fingers away and started to position himself between her thighs. The cat pushed her hands in the swordsman's long hair, tugging him closer while he sucked desperately on her nipples, alternating between the two. After a few minutes of sitting there, constantly moaning his name she started growing impatient. She started whining, and before she could tell him anything he brutally shoved right into her, hitting her womb. She screamed his name, scratching at the swordsman's head as he started pounding her dripping pussy. He kept a brutal pace, slamming her back on the counter, sucking her nipple while he rubbed against another sacred place. Her womb. Her breathy, loud protests were unheard as Kirito thrusted his hips inside, feeling a tighter squeeze then before. He moaned in unison as his lover screamed his name, louder this time. He opened her legs more, digging into her thick thighs, pounding harder each second. More thrusts caused Kirito to tip over the edge, the want of more release overcoming him. He shoved all the way inside her, rubbing the tip of his cock into the edge of her womb, causing Sinon to slap a hand over her stomach while she came all over his cock. Her liquids spirt out of her, covering her lovers lean hips and her own thighs. She started to claw up his back as the brutal thrusts became more wild and reckless. Not long after the sniper started to grow excessively sensitive, and started spewing liquids out of her with every thrust into her dripping pussy. She squealed while pushing her hand down, feeling like she was going to be torn apart by his dick thrusts into her and his mouth. It never left her nipples, constantly going back in forth between the two. She pulled him closer, tugging on his long brown hair that she loved oh, so much, she could never get enough of it. She yanked harder with each shove, lick, and squeeze of her body, loving each touch from her hungry, lustful husband. After what seemed like hours on end she felt the very familiar hot, sticky thick white liquid enter her womb, a bulge forming in her stomach before pressing on it, cum leaking out of her ravaged hole. "Hnnn, Sinonnn...~~~" Kirito moaned, pulling his length out of her. He kept his mouth hovered just above her left nipple, his hot breath encompassing the whole thing. She shivered in acknowledgement, pulling him up so she could lock their lips together in a sloppy kiss. "Ahh..Kirito..~~~~" She said, panting. "Mmghn~~ That felt fucking amazing~~~" He chuckled softly at that, she was still somewhat tipsy. She reeked of alcohol, yet she still pulled him back, sliding her tongue into his mouth. They made out for minutes, until they heard a loud bang on the door.

"I can't believe you got me to fuck you in a restroom, you're such a bad influence, kitty.~~"

Ehh! I don't typically put my content out, just share it with friends..because they're usually their ideas, and ask me to write them! I hope you enjoyed it, and if I need to fix anything please tell me! I apologize if you make it this far but I also commend you

~𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖~Where stories live. Discover now