The hormones

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After 6 months she said was starting th get a little hormonal and stuff and at this time she thought yijung was gonna leave her and didn't and she asked him why he was still here and she asked him why didn't he leave her yet and he said because I love you and this baby and your my wife and soulmate and again I love you then he kissed her and let her rest on his lap and go to sleep and then he took her to the bed and snuggled next to her and kissed her cheek and went to sleep as well he kissed the baby and talked to it. In the final month she started to have more mood swings and she started to be more affectionate and stuff and finally on December 31st she went into labor and after all the pushing and screaming she had a beautiful girl named suli and she was born on yes you guessed New Years January 1 2014.

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