Part 1

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Your POV:

You don't know what you expected when you were told you will accompany your family to Kings landing but this is beyond your imagination. The buildings are nothing compared to the stunning architecture in High Garden and the smell in the capital is disgusting. You already miss your home, you would rather sit in one of your many beautiful gardens than greeting the royal family.

Like anyone else in the seven kingdoms you have heard the stories of the sadistic boy king who treats his people poorly and has a habit of murdering people without a second thought.

To imagine your bigger sister is going to marry someone like him makes you feel anxious.

You're scared he's going to hurt her or anyone else from your family and you still can't understand how your grandmother Olanna could allow this engagement. If you had a choice your family would stay safely in High garden far away from this psychopath of a king.

Standing before the royal family makes it hard to hide how uncomfortable their presence makes you. You always hated standing in the spot light, so right now you're glad Margaery grabs everyone's attention thanks to her beauty and charme.

Just as expected the king and his mother only have eyes for your sister, ignoring you completely. Normally, you would be hurt that absolutely no one is noticing you. Of course you love your sister with all your heart and she doesn't steal the spot light on purpose but it's still disappointing to see how everyone seems to prefer her over you. Well but today you are rather thankful for not having to talk to the king or Cersei.

While you wait for this unpleasant meeting to end your eyes begin to wander through the room. There are several knights standing around the king, mostly to show off his power you suppose. But one man stands out quite a bit. He is much taller than everyone else in the room. His height in combination with his broad shoulders surely scare most enemies away. At least you wouldn't want to fight someone like him.

He has to be the kings guard, the hound.

Sadly, you don't know his real name but only the title people gave him. The stories about him picture him as a cruel monster, a real killer without conscience. A man without a heart, nothing more than a scary dog people run away from as soon as he approaches them.

But in your opinion this man doesn't seem so terrifying. Sure, he has a scar that nearly covers half of his face but other than that he's actually quite handsome.

Suddenly, your eyes meet. You can't help the blush appearing on your face and you don't know what else to do than to give him a small smile. When he doesn't return the smile you fastly choose to look somewhere else. That's exactly why you hate meetings like this, it always ends with you feeling awkward.

After the greeting you and your family were shown to your rooms for your stay. You have to admit you admire the way your room is decorated. Every piece of furniture fits perfectly together and you have a great view over the city. The first thing that comes to mind after appreciating your room is to take a bath. Weeks of traveling have leaved its marks. You're glad your handmaid and loyal friend Ann was able to accomplish you on your trip to Kings landing. Fortunately, after years of knowing each other she was able to tell what you'd want and drew you a bath while you introduce yourself to your sister's betrothed. After thanking and dismissing her for the evening you enjoyed your well deserved bath before going to bed early. Your last thought before falling asleep is the mysterious man with the dog helmet in his hands. You don't know why yet but thinking about him makes your heart beat like crazy.

You truly are something else - Sandor Clegane x readerWhere stories live. Discover now