From the first day

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"Kerry! Are you almost done in there?" "Yeah mom. I'm almost done one more box!"

The day had finally came were I was finally breaking away to move on my own. Only I was making a big move! I was moving all the way from delta Ohio. To London for a job opportunity. "I'm putting the box in the u haul now." "Alright. When does your flight leave. As she said that I could see her eyes getting glossy. "Don't cry mom I'll be back in 4 months at Christmas." As I put my arms around her pulling her into a tight embrace. "I know Hun. It's just 4 months is a long time to be alone.. I mean since your dad is gone and you have no going o be all a-alone..." As she says that tears slide down her cheeks and I feel bad in the moment. It's been 8 months since I lost my dad. I missed him but not like my mom does. I let go of her "I'll be back before you know it. I love you mom." "I love you two hunny. And you should probably get some sleep you leave tomorrow for your flight!" "I know mother but I kind of want to stay up a little longer. Maybe order some Chinese, and rent a movie..?" "You read my mind Hun.."

~At the airport~

"Got everything? Passport, boarding bag, laptop, phone?mi don't want you being board on the plane." "Yeah I have everything and I'll text you when we land, okay?" "Okay Hun." I give her a hug and bid her good bye. I don't look back but I know she's probably crying. But I need to do this, I need to get away and start my life.

~on the plane~

Overhead speakers: "hello my name is captain John. I'll be the captain of the plane. If you have any questions feel free to ask the flight astistance. Buckle your seat belts, turn off all electronics and prepare for flight." I turn off my phone and buckle up. As I'm doing this someone comes and sits by me. I look up to see a pair of green eyes, and brown curly hair. "Hey is it alright if I sit here? The person by me is taking up all the room and keeps talking about cats." He nods his head back in the direction of his old seat. I try and hide a smirk but it doesn't work "yeah, it's fine haha. Ivan see why you didn't want to sit by her!" I say smiling at him. "Thanks." He says back returning the smile, only he has dimples that carve in his cheek. He is very handsome." "My name is Harry styles by the way." "Oh my name is Kerry Smith." I say smiling. He looks like a Harry. It suits him. Through out the flight we talk about why where going to London. Turns out he's going back because he original loves there and he came to Ohio to visit some friends. But I could have guessed because of his British accent. I told him I'm going for a job opportunity. "Oh that's nice what kind of job, if you don't mind me asking." "Oh well it's actually kind of dumb, really.." I say kind of blushing a little. "Oh just tell me, I'm sure it's not as dumb as you think." He says with reassuring eyes. "Oh alright. I'm going to be a singer. I have always wanted to be in the music business, and now being 23 and all.. I kind of want to do something about it, you know. At least so I can say I gave it a try. "Well Kerry your in lucky. I think I may be able to help you with this, you see I'm part of this boy band called one direction, ever hear of it, it's wildly popular in the u.s." He says with a smug smirk on his face." "Ohh, thats why you looked so familular." I say again blushing.. "Well I do have connections if you ever want help.. And here have this" as he takes out a piece of paper and pen and writes something down. "It's my number call whenever" he says with his dimple showing smile once again. "Oh well I'll definitely call!" I say returning the smile. "So which part of London are you going to..?" "Oh I'm going to the east of London. What part do you I've in?" "Oh my.. Are you serious I do too!" He says his smile getting bigger. Well I guess we will see each other sometime" he says as the plane stops and were told we can get off now. So it's just me left with a number and a big smile on my face. I'll defiantly call my mom and tell her this.

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