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*** Note: I made this up for my freshman English class sooo..... it's kind of lame. But I put a lot of time into it... so be nice?***


     The boy awoke, startled by the sound of an alarm clock at six in the morning. He groaned as he groggily pulled himself out of bed. Staring at the bathroom mirror, he looked into his own shadowed, dull green eyes and pale skin. His face, framed by long, messy black hair, held an expression of exhaustion and indifference. He cleaned himself up and went through his morning routine in a sleepy haze, getting ready for school.

     Glancing at the clock, he realized the bus would be here any minute. Swooping down to pick up his backpack, he noticed his headphones sprawled across his bedroom floor, and grabbed them as he rushed out the door. He climbed onto the bus just as the driver was preparing to shut the doors, walking into a wall of profane and derogatory comments pouring from the mouths of his classmates.

    As he went to take a seat, someone put their backpack down in the empty space, as if to say "you can't sit here." He made his way towards the back of the bus, preparing himself for his eminent demise. 

  "Watch it, loser." scoffed a girl, as the boy struggled to regain his balance when the bus lurched into motion. He plopped himself down in the only open seat, which was a mere three rows up from the very back.

  "You can't sit there." remarked a kid with greasy, dirty-blond hair and a turned-up nose like a pig.

  "There were no other seats." the boy retorted.

  "Find one. That's Sal's seat, now move." replied the kid with the pig nose. "Hey, are you wearing make-up? What are you, some kind of girl? Get out of here, you freak." This was followed by a cackling chorus of laughter from his friends. The boy simply sighed, and scooted away from them towards the window. He remembered he had grabbed his headphones on his way out the door, and was instantly grateful as he pulled out his iPod.

  "Hey Freak-Boy, this is Sal's stop. You'd better move before I make you move," said a girl who he assumed was Pig-nose's girlfriend, or something. "Hey loser, are you listening to me?" He put both headphones in and leaned his head against the window. He knew they'd eventually get bored and leave him alone. 

     A large boy kid with horrible acne covering his face (and probably much of his back) stumbled onto the bus and in a few large steps, approached the back seats. He barked something at the boy, but the boy paid no attention. Sal gave up faster than his friends, and roughly threw his backpack down before taking his seat. The boy spent the remainder of the bus ride tuning out the world through his headphones. 

     The first half of the day dragged on uneventfully, up until about fifth period, which was the boy's English class. They were instructed to write about their dreams for the future, and the boy had no idea what he wanted.

  "Alright, is anyone willing to share?" When no one volunteered, the teacher continued, "Frank? Would you care to present yours to the class?" Frank looked up, startled. He had been distracted by his own imagination.

  "Um, Okay, yeah." He cleared his throat, and began reading. "I see my future in the music industry. Since I was a kid, I have dreamed of playing among great artists and I believe that one day, I may be able to." He ignored the snickers and rude comments made by his classmates. The boy felt sorry for Frank, but it wasn't his business, so he put in his headphones to block out the inconsiderate jerks and pass the time.

     On his way to lunch, Frank was cornered in the hallway by the kids who were picking on the boy on the bus this morning.

  "Look who it is, guys." snided Pig-nose.

  "It's that wanna-be rock-star. It'll never happen, I hope you know." taunted Pig-Nose's girlfriend.

  "So I hear you want to make music. well, I've got news for you, kid. You'll never make it. You're a nobody, and you always will be. Maybe if you didn't have that ugly hairstyle with it always in your eyes, you'd be able to see that." Maybe Sal had a point, but he didn't have to be so mean to this kid. the boy thought. "Give up your dreams, loser. It's never going to happen." Sal added as he shoved Frank against the lockers. The boy had heard enough.

  "Hey, Jerk-wads, Leave him alone. What'd he do to you?" 

  "Shut up, freak-boy, no one asked you." Pig-nose's girlfriend chimed in.

  "Actually, you kind of did when you victimized me and my friend here." the boy defended. No one had anything to say to that. "If he wants to pursue his dreams, as a musician, then that's what he'll do. So leave him be." The group scoffed, and walked off, accepting the fact that they'd lost.

  "Hey, thanks Gerard. That was really awesome of you. Thank you," Frank said.

  "Anytime, man. Just looking out for a friend. Hey, I play guitar, if you want, I can teach you?" The boy, Gerard, offered.

  "Thanks for the offer, but I already play. If you'd like, maybe sometime you could come and play with my band? I'm sure you could teach me a few things, and vice versa." Frank invited.

  "Really? That sounds great, when would you want to hangout?" Gerard replied, excited.

  "Today after school? The band is meeting up at my house," Frank answered.

     After school that day, five boys sat in Frank Iero's garage, surrounded by empty soda cans and various bags of chips. They had Frank Iero and Ray Toro on guitar, Mikey Way on bass, James Dewees on Keyboard, and finally the boy, Gerard Way, on vocals; and thus, My Chemical Romance was born.

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