A New Beginning ( Chapter One )

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Today is the day, a new start, a new job, and a new life. You just moved to California away from your family, your friends, and are hoping that this time around it will be different that you will finally be happy in your life or at least have it be a little easier. Of course you miss everyone, but you're hoping that this environment will be more suited for your interests and more positive. 

You're headed to Columbia Records for your first day of work, which of course, you are already late for sitting, so you are currently sitting in traffic listening to music that was blasting over the radio. You've only been in LA for a couple of days, and your don't know your way around but at least the GPS is somewhat helping.

The music stops and a voice comes over the speaker telling you your next direction, "Turn right in 500 feet then your destination is on the right."

You pull into the parking garage, pull up to the security stop, and roll down your window, "Name and an ID please," he asks holding a clipboard.

You reach for your wallet and grab your ID, "My name is Jacqueline," you say as you hand him your ID. He double checks his list, your ID, and finds your name, "Ok Jacqueline you are good to go," you smile at him taking your ID, "Please call me Jackie." He smiles and gestures you though the gate. 

You park and quickly get out of your car finally finding the door to the entrence. You walk up to the front desk and the women behind it looks up at you smiling, “What can I help you with miss?”

You look at her with a confused face, “Hi, this my first day here, and I’m not really sure where to go. My name is Jackie and i'm working with a man named Mark Smith.”

She looks at you then to her list double checking the names. "Yes, you need to go to room 700,” she flashes you a warm smile, "Just head towards the elevator. They are right down the hall." 

You ride the elevator up to the 7th floor, find the first room which was 700, and quietly knock on it hearing a stern voice on the other end, "Come in!"

The first thing you see are four attractive guys sitting on a couch catching you off guard, but you quickly look around and spot a rotating chair with a older man in it who you're guessing is the producer Mark. You walk over to him trying not to act nervous, because each of the four guys staring at you whispering to each other. You extend your hand to the producer, “Hi, my name is,” he cuts you off, “Yes, I know who you are Jacqueline, and you're late,” he says with a pissed off look on his face. You bit your lip feeling worried that this guy is a complete asshole, “Yeah i’m so sorry about that. I'm new to this area, but it won't happen again. I promise.”

He looks over at the guys then all of them start laughing, and you look at them confused, "What's so funny?"

"I'm messing with you Jacqueline. You are not in trouble," he smiles, "And I completely understand about being late. California can be a crazy place,” he smiles warmly at you, "These guys are late most of the time and they live here." They all laugh, all of them nodding in agreement, "My name is Mark I hope you're excited for this project. I got this great group that I think you will love working with."

Mark stands and places a hand on your shoulder, “Guys this is,” the one with hat backwards on this head, dark chocolate brown eyes stands up quickly, "Jackie?"

You look him up and down and immediately recognize him, “Logan? Logan Henderson?” 

All the guys are looking between both of you confused and Mark speaks up through the silence, "Do you two know each other?"

"Yeah, we went to high school together. This is crazy it’s been years," your dumbfounded not knowing what to say, but Logan speaks up, "We will have to catch up later." 

You smile and nod, "Yeah sure that sounds great."

Mike claps his hands together, “Ok...well I guess you know Logan, this one next to him is Carlos,” he’s a little shorter then Logan, has caramel colored skin, and really dark brown eyes, "Nice to meet you."

"Then we have James,” this guys is much taller. He has brown hair with hazel eyes with a cocky smirk on this face, "Hey."

“Last but not least we have Kendall,” your eyes met his amazing green ones and instantly got goosebumps, "Ughh hi." He gave you a shy smile which showed his dimples, and you smiled back blushing slightly.

Mark raised an eyebrow at the both of you chuckling a little, and sits back down in his chair in front of the controls, "Alright boys...and Jackie I think its time we get this album started."

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