"Come on Celeste its not that big of a deal.",Lacy said. She grabbed the grape off my tray and threw it in her mouth. Right along with all the other fruits set inside her mouth.
"That's must be a sensational feeling.",I said referring to the mixtures of fruits inside of her mouth."Celeste don't you dare try to change the subject on me like that",she pointed out.
I gave her a small smile and turned back to my fruit salad I was stabbing lightly."I just don't wanna go to a 'New School Year' party. Parties are lame and so are the people that waste their lives going.",I said.
She has been trying to get me to go to this for the last week now ,and its getting quite annoying."Fine be the loner you were born to be but when your stuck at home with your brothers and sisters don't come to me."
She mumbled softly while drinking her bottle of water. I smacked the bottle away from her mouth and asked her to repeat herself."You know what I mean, your two big bros ,and two little sisters are annoying as hell".
She said throwing her hands in the air like a mad woman. She isn't lying though. My entire family is annoying ,and it seems I'm the only normal one throughout it. We went on one family vacation and never again did we go on another one.
Uh. The memory just keeps coming back."But then again your entire family is good looking for some odd reason.",she said putting her finger on the sharp thing she call a chin.
I thought about Isabella, Ingrid, Issac, and Ian constantly bugging me about different things.
"Sis you wanna play dolly with me",Isabella would ask.
"Sis you wanna play video games",Ingrid would ask yeah she's In that stage.
"Yo sis can you drive me somewhere",Issac would say and.....
"Where did any of you even come from I was the only one",Ian would say.
I'm not like any of them. So that could explain why I was the only one in the family to pick up a best selling book in the book store instead of Dr. Seuss when I was five. And that's why I said this......
"Isn't this one cute?",Lacy said holding up the red dress in front of me. To be fully honest I wasn't paying her any attention just because I wasn't interested."Celeste, are you even listening to me?",she asked.
I shook my head 'no' in response of her question."Celeste I'm doing this for your own health, not mine.",she said pointing at herself as she stated the last part."I know you are ,and I truly appreciated that.",I said giving her my full attention.
"Okay can you at least give 'this' a interest?",she asked with a heartwarming smile."For me.",she continued grabbing my arm and shaking it lightly. I weakly smiled at her and gave her my undivided attention.
"Okay what about this?",she asked me holding up a black dress that probably stopped mid thigh."I'm sorry Lacy its just not my thing, why don't we go to my house ,and I can get a outfit there?",I asked grabbing my backpack.
She gave me a witty smile and followed me outside to her car.
As soon I opened the door to Lacy's car my nostrils instantly suffocated from the the smell of weed and maybe cigarettes."Ew, what is that smell?",I questions myself as I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Jack Daniels, Weed, Burnt Weed, Marijuana I think and probably ten minute sex.",someone said coming up from behind me. I turned around to come in contact with a pair of big green eyes.
"Hey I'm Trent ,and you're?",he asked. I was a little scared at first ,but he seems to be a good guy ,so I shouldn't worry. Right?,"I'm Celeste, nice to meet you Trent.",I replied shaking his open hand.
"So, where is your party buddy?",he asked as we began to walk through the crowded house. It was probably another thirty people in just one area ,and ten times that many people dancing in the living room.
"Um she probably ditched me right before you started to talk to me.",I said tugging my high waisted shorts down ,as I caught some eyes on me and Trent walking down the hall.
If you didn't know by now, I'm apart that group. One of those groups that go to school, go home, sleep, and repeat. I usually keep to myself except for when I'm around Lacy.
Who was the class president in 1st-10th grade until she got tired of being one of the most important people in our class for ten years."So where are we going exactly?",he asked following behind me.
"I thought I was following you at first.",I replied looking over my shoulder ,and at him. He had a huge grin on his clear sexy model like face. Trust me he's a very good looking guy.
"Usually the person in the front leads, if you know what I mean.",he said giving me a quick wink. I started to laugh until something in the pit of my stomach started bubbling. And then my throat started to ache.
"Um are you okay Celeste?",he asked putting his hand on my back ,as I started to bend over with my hand on my knees. OH MY GOD. With that I ran towards the nearest door and strike outside where I threw up.
I constantly threw up until I couldn't anymore, which was after eight minutes. I slid my back down on the tree and ran a hand through my long curly hair."I knew this was a mistake.",I said kicking a rock next to me.
"I knew this was a mistake.",someone said mimicking me. I turned my body in all direction ,but I didn't find anyone."Is someone there?",I asked standing there waiting to start running for my life.
"Hello. Is someone there?",some said asking the exact same question I did. I walked from behind the tree ,and instantly went back behind it when I saw him.
Bad Boy's Honesty
Teen FictionWho said that day was actually suppose to happen? The day I went to a small high school party that just so happened to turn into one of the biggest parties of the year. He came up to me out of boredom from his own party. We talked ,and he told me th...