part 1

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Vivid was an 11 year old girl who lived her whole life in and out of foster homes. She had not many friend but the one she did have was already adopted by someone.

Vivid had never really expressed herself the way she liked. She was forced to clean after people and make food but not eat any untill everyone else did.

Vivid was sitting on her cott listening to the other kids outside her room having fun when she got called to the adoption office. She walked in and sat in the chair. She looked up at Mrs.Welsh
"Vivid I need you to pack your bags with all your stuff Because you will be getting adopted today" Mrs.Welsh said with a big smile on her face.

Vivid stood up and gave Mrs.Welsh a big hug "I'm so happy for you i hope you have a good family to take care of you" Mrs.Welsh said with tears brimming her eyes.

"Why are you crying Mrs.Welsh you should be happy" vivid said with a huge smile on her face.

"I am happy im just going to miss having a civalized kid around"

"I will visit you as much as they alow me to because i love you"

"I love you too vivid now go pack before I revoke your adoption"

"Ok see you later"


Vivid finneshd packing about and hour and a half ago because she didn't have many clothes. She was just talking with Mrs.Welsh waiting for her adopter*idk* to come and get her.

Adopted By PRETTYMUCH [Black Girl]Where stories live. Discover now