Part one: The scream.

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Slender always chuckled when I said my job was easy. Jeff looked at me as if I was crazy. Jay... Well, she was different. I could trust her with just about anything. She would just nod. Jane threw her knife at me multiple times. Now that I think about it, Jay's the only one who didn't laugh at me or say I was crazy. She stuck by me.

There was only one other that I could trust: my spirit guide, Jade. He was a huge jaguar with wings that stretched to over 10 feet. Whenever I was upset or hurt, he would stay by my side, only moving when I did.

Then, one day, my whole life turned upside down. I was laying on my back in the garden, looking at the clouds. It was one of those days when there wasn't anything to do. Jade lay next to me, his head on my stomach.

Suddenly, I heard a pained cry. It wasn't a Pasta, that I knew. No-one sounded like that. I ran toward the place I heard the scream from, and saw a young man. He looked about 12, and he had silvery-white hair. I then noticed the wound in his stomach. I picked him up and rushed to Chrystal's lab, where I knew Jay would be.

I lay him down on a bed and called Jay. She ran in, took one look at the boy and got to work, setting up a drip, cleaning his wound and stitching him up. A few hours later, his eyes fluttered open and I couldn't help but stare. They were a sea-green colour, and absolutely beautiful.

"Where am I?" His voice was that of a full-grown man.

"In a mansion in the middle of the woods. You were pretty badly hurt." I spoke up from where I was partially hidden, all but my face visible.

"Who are you? Come where I can see you." He sounded slightly scared.

"You don't have to be afraid. Just don't tell Slender I brought you in here." I stepped forward and he frowned.

"Why are you wearing a mask?"

"Because I don't like showing my face."

"What's your name?" He tilted his head slightly.

"You can call me Huntress."

"What's your true name?" He looked at the bow slung over my shoulder.

"My name is (Y/N)." I walked over to the bed. "What's yours?"

"Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya of the tenth squad in the Soul Society. It's a pleasure meeting you, (Y/N)."

"The pleasure's all mine." I looked to where Jade was lying in a patch of sun, sleeping.

"Who's that?" He gestured to Jade.

"His name is Jade. He's my spirit guide." I clicked my tongue and Jade stood up, walking toward me. "Jade, say hello."

Jade spoke with a deep, gentle voice. "Greetings, Soul Reaper."

"Soul Reaper? As in, a Shinigami?" I was shocked.

"That is correct." Toshiro smiled. I blushed under my mask.

Jade pressed his head against my shoulder. "The Slenderman is requesting your presence."

"Thank you, Jade." I turned around, and just as I was about to walk out, I turned to look over my shoulder. "Jade, could you make sure the Captain is comfortable here?"

"Of course." He bowed his head and I walked to Slender's office.

Slender was sitting behind his desk, glowering down at me. "You brought a Pure into the mansion?"

"With all due respect, he was badly injured and in urgent need of treatment. He could have died, if I hadn't brought him here." I spoke defiantly, knowing he wouldn't do anything to me.

Slender sighed deeply. "What if he was one of Zalgo's... freaks? Don't you think you need to be more careful?"

"Oh, yeah, bring out that 'careful' word. Like that's going to stop me helping an injured man." I started pacing around his office.

"(Y/N), you and I both know the dangers of doing that."

"He was dying! He had a gaping hole in his chest and you expected me to leave him lying in a pool of his own blood?" Tears started streaming from my eyes and I threw my mask on the ground. "That's why I use a bow. To make the kill clean."

Jade roared from downstairs. "I have to go. My jaguar needs me." I stormed out of Slender's office and was met with Toshiro and Jade.

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