Chapter 12: What is Truly Going On??

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Kuroko no Basket doesn't belong to me

Warning: this chapter is only going to be Akashi's P.O.V, it's also going to be short. Teiko vs Ogiwara's team is going to happen before Kuroko quit the team. Let's say Kuroko quit the team because of how everyone changed but was still in love with Akashi even if he had a split personality. 

"thought" real Seijuro

"thought"  another Seijuro


Akashi's P.O.V: 

I'm working at my desk when something caught my eye. Currently, I was working on my family's business, when I spotted an ad about travelling. My father asked me to come to help him. England is where he is currently on a business trip. And what makes this even better is that my beloved Tetsuya is living there so I can set my plan into motion.  The only problem I have is that Shigehiro is my Tetsuya's fiance. I have known both Tetsuya and Shigehiro for a long time since I was a young child. The kuroko family and Ogiwara family were close to my parents, but after my mother died they stopped hanging out and eventually drifted away. When I heard that both Tetsuya and Shigehiro were fiancees, I was shocked and confused. Apparently, they were fiancees long before me and Tetsuya dated. What happened between them is a mystery but they were also young back then to it kinda makes sense, but I want to know what happened even though it is not my business. I was a little upset because I have known them for such a long time and I didn't even know about the engagement. Wait if they were engaged then did Tetsuya cheat on me then? 

" No he didn't " wait... it can't be! 

" I thought I got rid of you!"  

"  well, you didn't " I clenched my teeth together in anger. Just how is he back?

" what do you mean Tetsuya didn't cheat on us?" I am still confused about this...

" Tetsuya told us that he and Ogiwara broke off their engagement after we(A/N during Teiko, 111-11) had defeated them by 111-11 points, a few days later we confessed our love for each other" Wait for what?

" I don't remember this" I was being honest I really don't remember.

" That is because you were formed in our last year in Teiko while 111-11 happened in year 2 "  I was shocked and angry at the information given to me.

" Why didn't you tell me beforehand!!" If only I knew this information sooner!

" I tried to tell you this when we first entered Rakuzen, but you ignored me! And now it's your fault for driving Tetsuya away from us and the team! Yeah, Seirin may have betrayed him, but we did the same thing along with the rest of the team! We all made a promise that day if we ever see him cry or shed a single tear that we would do anything in our power to never let that happen again and that we would hurt anyone who caused him to cry!! But no! You and your selfish actions broke that promise along with the rest of the  GOM and now WE are the ones that broke that promise along with Seirin!!! And you KNEW about the PROMISE we made because I told you about it!!!"

"............" I didn't know what to say! How can I forget about the promise we all made to protect Tetsuya even if we went to different schools!! It really is my fault! I'm sorry Tetsuya please forgive me! 

"Give me back my body!" I didn't protest or stopped him from taking back his body. I drifted away back into the darkness slowly going into a deep sleep.....



What happens next? Now that the real Seijuro is back is everything going to be forgiven? or will things only get worse for both Kuroko and the GOM along with Kagami? 

Until next time my cinnamon rolls!

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