1. dusk

51 3 0

Park Chaeyoung stood still.

you've gotta be kidding me, she thought as her report card stared coldly at her. there's no way i got an A. 

she had been studying for hours so that she knew exactly what to not answer on every quiz, test and homework check. she had been getting perfect zeroes. there was no way in hell that she had passed, much less gotten a whole A.

she could imagine it right now, the conversation her father was going to have with her tonight. 

"but chaeyoung," he'd begin. "why are you throwing away such a promising career in law for such an unstable lifestyle as an idol ? and in a country so far away as korea?"

chaeyoung would have to sit still as he lectured her about her grades. "they're perfect," he would say. "you have everything you need to become a lawyer. your teacher recommends it. you've got everything to lose if you don't follow this dream of yours."

and to be fair, it was her dream when she was younger. she'd fallen in love with the stacks of law books her sister had in her room when she was studying to major in the field. "daddy, i want to be a lawyer like Alice!" she'd said as a naive 5 year old who idolized her sister. 

and her father nodded very seriously.

she had wanted to avoid that whole situation by getting the lowest grades she could manage and then showing her father the only reason she's gotten such high grades was because, well, she studied that hard. she wanted it. and if she wanted to become an idol, the same level of success would be reflected there, too.

and now all of that was ruined. she could only surmise that it was her teacher realizing what was going on. 

chaeyoung sighed.

this was going to be complicated to fix.


Lalisa Manoban was running.

the wind in her hair, the burn in her legs, the sweat dripping down her back.

i'm gonna make it, she told herself. i can do this.

she pushed herself past the part of the lap where she started. she could almost see stars before her eyes and could taste the salt of her sweat in her mouth. exhaustion. the glare from the sun directly onto the bleachers made her cringe.

"what-- what was my time?" she gasped to the lean girl sitting idly on the bleachers. the girl popped her gum. 

"1.45 minutes," she said. "not bad, i guess."

"damn," lalisa said. "kamon, i've gotta improve. i need to build endurance and this isn't cutting it."

"chill, lalisa" drawled kamon. "you're not seriously trying to get accepted into goddamn yg of all companies by improving your goddamn running time, are you?"

lalisa stared at her. usually she would have shot back something snarky to her friend but this time she was making sense.

"what, manoban? do i have something on my face?"

lalisa shook out of her epiphany. "no, no it's just that... you're right, you know? i'm just doing some half-assed job at working out instead of what i should be doing. i'm not training for the olympics. i'm training to be an idol. i need to be at dance practice right now, not at the tracks."

kamon smirked.

"oh damn, i had a lesson that i missed, didn't i? oh my god, i need to go."

lalisa was gone.

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