Clover, Sailor Andromeda

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" it's not fair I don't wanna be be the only Galaxy gaurdian" I whined." You won't be alone long. You'll get your first ally soon enough" Stella said staring at the computer. The screen showed an image of a redheaded girl with grey eyes. The name next to the picture was Clover.
"Hey who's she? She's kind of pretty!"I exclaimed looking at the computer. Stella didn't say anything I wonder if she's still mad about my scolding her earlier
Suddenly I realized that Maria was standing there. "Watcha looking at? She asked stepping over. "Oh Clover. She works at the cafe across the street from the diner. I think she goes to the same school we used to go to. But only cause she's been held back once or something like that" Maria said slipping out the door off to work.
When Maria was gone Stella said "I think we should look into this Clover.
"Comet!"said Quee Con-Stellation in an icy tone. "I see you have failed to kill Sailor Milky Way. WHY??!!" she demanded. "M-my Queen, I've come up with an idea- a way to weed out the Galaxy Guardians without testing your patience"
"Oh?"she asked. "Yes I will select certain girls, girls who fit the role of The chosen Galactial guardians and then I will destroy them." He proclaimed proudly. "I see" she said considering his plan. " and who is your next target?"she asked. "This girl" Comet said projecting a hologram of the girl Clover. "very well, go about your plan" she said after a moment of silence. "With pleasure, my lady" he answered disappearing to Earth again.
"Wow this is the cafe Clover works in? I think everything looks too elegant and formal for words" I exclaimed. "Well... It is all nice..." Maria said distractedly. Stella was too busy looking for Clover to notice Maria's acting strangely. Over at an empty table there was Clover wiping it off and placing the tablecloth back in its place.
I'm gonna go talk to her. I thought. And I proceeded to march over to her. At the same time, comet was floating above the cafe and watching all this. " mm? The Sailor Milky Way is with her. Well as they say "two birds with one stone" he said chuckling. He formed a ball of energy channeled it and sent it into a nearby plant possessing it with evil energy. "I give you a gift Sailor Galactical guardians. A wonderful dangerous gift" he said before vanishing.
I left the cafe with Maria completely unaware of the evil just lurking around the corner.
The next day which happened to be Clover's day off, she met me and Stella at the Arcade. Clover and I played a search and find game on the computer. We both completed a certain level and won a gift. Mine was a yellow necklace with stars. Clover had a pink and orange brooch, similar to mine.
On our way home, Maria suddenly came running up to us "you won't believe what's happening at the cafe!! Come quickly!"
We all ran to the cafe with Stella running close behind. A horrible plant monster had grown from the flower that Comet had sent his energy into. And it was attacking the people in the cafe and any one else that was nearby. "Quick, Michelle transform" Stella said. "Right" I agreed" MICHELLE GUARDIAN MILKY WAY GALAXY!" I transform and, using my new weapon the necklace which had changed into a bow and arrow,began fighting the monster. 
"What's going on?what is that thing?" Clover cried. Just then her brooch started to glow. Time slowed down. Then Stella appeared by her side telling her to shout "CLOVER GUARDIAN OF THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY!!!" She changed into a dress that stopped at her knee in the front but was longer in the back. She had earrings and a cuff which could spiral into a shield. In her hand she carried a spear which when she threw it at the plant monster caused it to disintegrate.
"The monster's gone now. We can change back" I said. "Andromeda-i mean Clover- I'm happy that you are one of my allies." I said beginning to tell her what Stella told me.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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