the command

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"I will tell you once more Yesung, If you fall in love with a human, and you kiss that person"

"Yes, yes, I know Leeteuk, when I kiss a human while I have feelings for that person, I will lose my powers and I will be banned from the vampire world." Yesung said

"As long as you know it'll be okay I guess. Just don't be too careless." Answered Leeteuk.

Leeteuk and yesung were on their way to Yesungs temporarily new home. Leeteuk made a whole plan saying that Yesung came from a boarding school and that he had no parents. The family where he was going to live would be his foster family. Leeteuk sais that he would play one of the cowerkers from the

"The family where I will drop you consist of 3 people. A single mother with 2 children. They don't know your true identity and you must keep it a secret. They think you are an orphan who finally found a foster family." Leeteuk said he would be a coworker from the child protective service.

"And how long do I have to stay with these humans?" Asked yesung

"That is up to you, you stay as long as you need for your mission. If the mission is not completed, you can not go home. OH, here it is!"

Leeteuk rang the doorbell while yesung fixed his hair.

"Oh hello" said a women that opened the door. "You must be yesung! Our new foster son. Come in"

"The kids are still upstairs, my name is Chansook."

"Very good lady Chansook, I hope that your warm familie will be a good new home for our Yesung. My name is Leeteuk from child and family, our child protective service wishes that all children get a warm home."

While yesung followed the two chattering adults into the kitchen he was thinking about how talkative that woman was and how perfect that fitted for Leeteuk. They seemed to be getting along well, but he knew Leeteuk was faking it since humans were just creatures they needed to survive. The two looked as if they knew each other for ages. He gave her 46 years old and wondered why she became a single mom.

"Ryeowook! Eunhyuk! Yesung is here!" Chansook shouted at the bottem of the stairs.

Fast footsteps came down the stairs.
2 teens entered the kitchen, they seemed really excited.

Are they excited because of me? Yesung thought.

The shortest came forword "Hello, my name is Ryeowook." And he flashed a smile.

He isn't the shy type, was Yesung thinking. But he wasn't loud either. He seemed nice.

"My name is Eunhyuk" said the other sibling

"Hello, I am Yesung, please take good care of me"

Ryeowook smiled in a sweet way. "Don't worry about that, our family is a little crazy but I'm sure you will feel at home in just a few days"

"Ryeowook, give Yesung a little tour around the house, meanwhile I will talk to Leeteuk." Chansook stated.

The three youngsters went upstairs and Ryeowook explained every room of the house. "This is the bathroom and here we have my room."

"Be carefull entering this room." Eunhyuk said, it once almost costed my life"

"What?" Yesung let out by surprise "you where almost killed because you entered this room?"

Ryeowook and eunhyuk looked at each other with questionable faces, they didn't understand his reaction.

"Haha...hahah.." Eunhyuk laughed, in a rather fake manner. "You are quite the funny guy I see, you will defenitely fit our family, hahaha..haha"

Ryeowook rolled his eyes while smiling "we have this house rule which says that we knock on the door before entering"

"Oh, I see.." yesung said

"This is Eunhyuks room." Yesung looked inside and saw a lot of cables and things from which he didn't know what they were.

"My brother loves technology" Ryeowook said

"Yes, right now I am even developing a new computer." Eunhyuk filled in "a computer that knows everything!"

"Don't mind him, he is in his own world sometimes. But he is really smart, he even skipped two years in school because his IQ is that high." Told Ryeowook.

They walked a little more and at the other side of the corridor, they stopped at the next door. "This will be your room. We tried to decorate it a little bit and make it cozy for you. We never use this room, you know" Ryeowook said.

Yesung steps inside his room and looked around.

"Approved?" Eunhyuk asked

"Yes, but I am not demanding. I'm used to having little " answered Yesung. Which was a lie of course

"Actually, where did you live before you found us?" Ryeowook asked.

Yesung and Leeteuk had everything planned. I have to say that I used to stay at a boarding school right? Yesung thought

"I went to a boarding school"

"Really?, where?" Ryeowook asked.

"Well.. euh, far away from here" Yesung said.

Ryeowook looked at him with a weird face. "You don't know where your school was located?"

"I do, it was in another country"
" in ... Europe!"
"In..Luxembourg!" Yesung said

How am I gonna survive living here? If they will keep on asking questions like this, I will be unaible to keep on making lies up. Yesung thought to himself.

" I see, well we will leave you alone now. You can unpack your stuff and use the drawers. Let's go Eunhyuk." Ryeowook said.

When they closed the door Ryeowook looked at Eunhyuk. "He's a weirdo don't you think?"

"He is just new, and awkward." Eunhyuk said. "Give him some time.

"I guess your right."

Meanwhile did Yesung find a little card on his drawer in his new room.

Welcome Yesung!~ Hopefully you will feel at home! We will gake good care of you.
Eunhyuk, Ryeowook and Chansook.

Yesung smiled while reading the card. They seem like nice people though he thought. It's a shame I might need to harm them in the future. He was still smiling. He kept staring at it and noticed the handwriting of Ryeowook and how neat it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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