The alleyway

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As I finished working my part time job, it had already struck nine. Living in Seoul had its drawbacks, it was always so busy and everyone's patients had its limits. I didn't hate it either since I had been given a free scholarship to a top university . ( my family were rich so I had a few connections ). Although I didn't need to get a job and live by myself: I my self realised that it was to push me into the real world and that it wasn't healthy to do so anyway. So I decided to enter the bar exam and surprisingly I got the top marks.

As I walked backed to my condo, I took my time to wander carelessly around this huge foreign city. It was as if I was a tiny spec of matter, that my only reason in life was to sit in uniform and work endlessly to finance greedy typhoons. That my only purpose was to be a money machine. That I had no purpose of my own but to provide to others.

Another reason I didn't like my dad or their family, they were all just so greedy. They would stoop so low to display how much superiority and power they held to each other without showing how empty they actually felt. And of course, I was a victim of this, I had to listen to their complaint about everyone.

Whether it was my mom was a stupid whore who couldn't do anything without him because she made his tea too sweat or how her siblings were greedy and only asked for money when they called to check up on them. Or whether it was just innocent people who just went with their lives without giving all their time and energy to them.

I only wanted love.... or to feel a genuine emotion.
Something real , a stigma to make me feel alive...

As I walked down the path , finished with my little rant , the silence that was once forgotten grew uncomfortably large ; being the only thing that I could think about. Paranoid, I look left and right to see anything of suspicion , there he was ... the man of my nightmares. Standing in front of me.

*Lol, hey everyone ;) I'm still inactive and shit so it's going to be a long story( as in take a long time to write :) ) but I'll def try and do another 2 chapters today*

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