The Battle

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Old Woman Josie was out for her morning walk. She sighed, as she took in the pleasant sunshine. It was almost one hundred thirty degrees out, yet Old Woman Josie had on her winter coat. Old Woman Josie sighed, as there were no ghosts or vampires lurking about. Just the newly paved street, identical houses on each side of the street, and a couple of cacti in some front yards. This walk was as boring as you could possibly imagine. Until Grandma Josie showed up. She showed up in the dead-end part of Old Woman Josie's street. She looked just like Old Woman Josephine. She had light grey hair down to her shoulders, blue eyes, deep wrinkles on her forehead and under her eyes. They looked exactly alike. Only they had different names.

"Oh, hello, Grandma Josie. The last time I saw you was two weeks ago! That was when we had that sandstorm. Well, guess what? This time I'm going to kill you. No more escaping. Here, why don't you come over to my house for tea?" Old Woman Josie invited.

"Alright, I'll except. Only this time, I'll get you, begging for mercy. I can just see it!" Grandma Josie dreamed.

Old Woman Josie and Grandma Josie were exactly alike. They had the same personality; kind, caring, modern, and bossy. They had the same life. The only thing that was different between their lives was the fact that Old Woman Josie was friends with Angels named Erika. Most people think that the reason they hate each other so much is that they are so alike.

Old Woman Josie's house was small. There was a table with around thirty chairs around it which Old Woman Josie and Grandma Josie sat down at. They started peacefully sipping their tea. It smelled of mint and had a rich peppermint taste. Grandma Josie looked around.

"This looks exactly like my house. Now let me make this clear. You are not allowed to be stealing my ideas. Putting that lightbulb up there was my idea," Grandma Josie said as she pointed to a lightbulb taped to the ceiling.

"My, my. That was actually my idea. And even if you did get that idea, it doesn't even work! There is no power source. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to update my facebook page."

After updating her facebook page, Old Woman Josie decided it was time for the fight.

"Erikas! I need you to help me win this battle against Grandma Josie. Would you be so kind as to get scissors for each one of you? I'll get the butter knife."

Around forty-five angels came silently filing out of the office in a line. Each and every one of them had a pair of scissors in their hand. These angels had names. They were all named Erika with a "K". They were residents in Old Woman Josie's home. They helped her with household chores like changing light bulbs, and they were very good with gossip. They watched over Old Woman Josie as she went out for her morning walk or reading books on vampires.

"Alrighty. Let's get this fight started!" Old Woman Josie shouted at nervous-looking Grandma Josie.

Old Woman Josie was an interesting person. She sometimes went to visit her sister or her parents across the street in the house that doesn't exist. She also visited her daughter, Alondra, that also lived across the street.

"Ready," Grandma Josie warned.

"Set," Old Woman Josie challenged.

"Go!" they both shouted at once.

All of the angels formed a semi-circle around Grandma Josie, happily backing her against the wall. Grandma Josie ducked underneath a single black angel and ran out the door. The angels and Old Woman Josie chased after her but lost sight of her after several minutes of following her. Old Woman Josie decided the best thing to do was to inform the radio announcer, Cecil, and ask him to announce that Grandma Josie was missing.

"Cecil! Cecil! Can you please help me? Grandma Josie, you know, my copy? Well, she went missing. Can you announce it on the radio?" Old Woman Josie asked.

"Yes, yes, I can."

"Thank you, Cecil."

Old Woman Josie was sadly walking home when she saw a figure in the dog park. However, the figure wasn't hooded. Old Woman Josie decided to approach the dog park despite the sign that said Do not approach the dog park.

"Are you okay?" Old Woman Josie asked suspiciously from outside of the fence. The dog park was dark. Old Woman Josie couldn't see anything inside the fence of the dog park except for the figure of a person.

The figure ran off. Luckily, the figure was going towards Old Woman Josie's house, so she decided to follow the figure.

It turned out that the figure was Grandma Josie. Old Woman Josie had all the doors locked and her angels circled around Grandma Josie. The angels started opening and closing their scissors while they grew closer to Grandma Josie. Old Woman Josie was by the door, butter knife in hand, just in case Grandma Josie happened to escape the tight circle of angels.

By now, the circle of angels was so close that they looked as if they were giving her a hug. The angels opened their scissors, getting ready to cut open her throat when Grandma Josie started begging for mercy.

"Please, please. I'll behave. I'll never come to you again! Please. I won't bother you. Ever."

The angels paused.
"Just get on with it," Old Woman Josie said, annoyed, as she was violently chewing on a sandwich.

All of a sudden, Grandma Josie disappeared. The angels felt for her, but there was nothing left of her.

"Finished yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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