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Kim Seokjin had been waiting for his dragon friend and his Vampire cousin. He had been sitting in the booth and looking at the cold blooded coffee for almost an hour now. Jin had called Hoseok after three days of missing. He had ran away from home after hearing what his use to be boyfriend had said to him.

Jin, I'm sorry. I just don't think you are the right one for me. My parents don't like Vampires. They also don't like how you eat blood and all. Like, I really love you, but... They are.. They're forcing me to marry someone and... I don't want you to get hurt.

Jin silently cried into his arms. Namjoon and him had been together for three years, and Namjoon had never let Jin meet his parents, until a week ago. After that, Namjoon and Jin had been in so many fights, that Namjoon ended the relationship. Jin had left Namjoon's apartment, without caring to go back to his and Hoseok's apartment.

Jin was in deep thoughts when the doorbell rung. Hoseok looked around the small cafe and when his eyes landed on Jin, he grabbed his boyfriend by the collar and dragged him to Jin.

"Jin..." Hoseok let go of Taehyung's collar and sat across from Jin.

"Hoseok.. . Am I not enough?" Jin sniffed.

"Oh, Jin, don't say that," Taehyung put his hand on top of Jin's arm.

"I... He..." Jin broke down again. Jin couldn't hold everything in. He cried and let all his tears go.

Jimin, the cafe's owner, came out when he heard wails from outside the kitchen.

"Omg! Jin, you here! Mathew! Why didn't you tell me!" Jimin's cat ears pricked up as he yelled at his trainee.

"I.. I didn't know it was him," Matthew whimpered.

Jimin and Yoongi were soon making their way to the table. Yoongi, who was Jin's second cousin to his great uncle, didn't like seeing Jin crying or sad.

"What did he do now?" Yoongi growled.

"Yoongi! Don't be-" Jimin glared at Yoongi.

"I don't care if his family is your family trade partner. I will-" Yoongi growled. Jimin's ear went back, like he was scared. Yoongi then calmed down.

They all sat down in silence as Jin cried into Jimin's small arms. Jimin tried to hush his hyung, but couldn't. He kept crying.

I'm not good enough. Why do I have to be who I am? Why? Why can't I be like those girls and guys that his parents like? Why..? Jin thought everything over and over. He couldn't stop thinking, which caused him to cry over and over.

They sat there for almost thirty minutes, before Jimin and Yoongi had to go back and work. Taehyung took Jimin's spot of comforting Jin, and sat next to him. They were all there until past midnight. Jin had finally calmed down, and was now laying down on Taehyung's lap, sleeping.

"Should we-" The bell to the cafe rung. Usually, by midnight, nobody had come to the cafe. It didn't really have a specific day the time closing, but midnight was only for night monsters.

Two werewolves entered the cafe. They didn't notice the three sitting in the back table. The alpha did smell his mate, but he couldn't now, since the other's vampire scent was all over him.

"Jimin!" The alpha yelled, and the little werecat came out.

"Oh! Hello Namjoon! Why are you here?" The cat tilt his head, even though he knew why.

"I was wondering if you saw-" Namjoon said, but the younger beta bumped his arm.

"Isn't that Jin over there?" The beta whispered to Namjoon's ear.

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