Chapter One

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It was a crisp spring morning, dew drops decorating the spiders web as delecately as pearls on a wealthy woman's neck, a breeze softly blowing encouraging the trees to softly whisper among each other.

The park was loud with bird song as the sun rose over the city, and one lone man sat on a wet park bench,it's paint was peeling and it needed a new plank for the backboard, but he sat there nonetheless, gazing in awe teary eyes at the sunrise and the birds flying around.

He watched a flock of swollows intricately dance through the soft cotton clouds and drempt of doing the same.

The man himself was small in structure, roughly about 5'10, he looked at most 20 but was 26, he had bright green hair, which made him stand out from the croud, in a good way of-course. He was pale but a rose tint lined his nose and cheeks making him look like he was stuck in a permanent winter.

And he was... In a way.

You see, this man, who goes by the name of Awsten Knight, had gone through many a heartbreak and many a trauma in his lifetime, enough for the average person to become almost clinically depressed. And he was. He was stuck in a permanent winter in his brain, everything was frozen and dead, he felt numb and just wanted spring to come, like it does every year for everyone else, but never truely for him.

He was sat half his attention focusing on the trees, and how they almost sounded like they were talking to him and half in his hot coffee that was warming up his hands and burning a hole down his throat. His twiddled his fingers slightly, admiring how the sparkly pink nail polish shined in the morning sun, when he was approached by a stranger.

Said stranger was roughly 6'4, with strong facial features and a slight 5 o'clock shadow. His brown curly hair was pushed out of his face and he held a kind smile contradicting the worried look in his Hazel eyes as he approached awsten.

"hi! My names Eric, I couldn't help but see you sat here on your own crying and came to ask if you were okay?" his voice was smooth but rough and had the hint of a Scottish accent.

Awsten quickly raised a palm to his eyes in embarrassment, rubbing away the tears he hasn't noticed were falling down his face.

" y-yeah I'm okay, thankyou." he blushed slightly and squirmed uncomfortably under the man's gaze.

"would you mind if I sat with you? I hate to see someone so beautiful so upset." he leaned slightly back on his heels, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Awsten turned as red as a tomato and nodded yes, moving slightly to let Eric sit down. He felt his gaze slowly drift to the man sat beside him, and the words 'someone so beautiful' rung in his head.

A chuckle brought him out of his trance. "what you staring at sweetheart?" a smile was plastered on Eric's face. Awsten burned crimson once again and started to apologise

"don't apologise sweetheart, anyway your eyes, they're pretty it's uh.. The hetro.. Colour thingy"

Awsten giggled and covered his mouth with his cup "Heterochromia. I've always though it was ugly" he spoke softly, scared of embarrassing himself infromy if the frankly handsome man next to him.

"I-I have to go now but uh do you have a pen?" awsten asked, rushing when he saw the time.

Eric handed him a pen and Awsten scribbled down a note on his arm before bidding him goodbye and running off home.

Eric looked at the note, which read
0800 00 1066 - Awsten

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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