New Boy in Town

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It was Monday morning and I did not want to get out of bed.

"Why does school always have to be so early in the morning?" I groaned while getting out of bed.

As soon as I got up I went to my dresser to pick out what I was going to wear for the day. I picked out a pair of ripped jeans, black socks, and a cute black and white striped shirt. I then went to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I brushed my teeth and did all the other stuff I had to do, then went back to my bedroom to do my hair and makeup.

It took me about 10 minutes to finish with that stuff. Once I was done, I went downstairs to get my shoes on and pack my bag.

"Good morning sweetie!" My mom greeted me as soon as I walked down stairs.

"Good morning mom!" I returned back with a smile on my face. I then packed my bag and said a quick goodbye to my mom before walking out the door.

It took me about 10 minutes to drive to school, and once I arrived I met up with my best friend at my locker.

"Hey Carly!" I said smiling at her.

"Hey Meagan! You ready for that math test today?" She asked me.

"Yeah I think I am ready for it, let's just hope it's somewhat easy though," I said while laughing. Me and Carly made small talk while getting our stuff out of our lockers, then walking to class.

While we were walking to class I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, and I ended up bumping into someone.

"Oh I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," I said while looking up and being met with the most beautiful hazel eyes I have ever seen.

"Oh it's no big deal. Just maybe watch where you are going next time," said this guy that I have never seen at my school before.

Me and Carly just walked away after that and I was just so shocked to be completely honest, that I didn't even know what to say.

"Who was that?" I asked Carly.

"That would be the new kid in our school. I told you there was going to be a new kid," Carly said to me with her eyebrows raised at me.

"Well I guess I just never thought of the new kid to be someone super hot!"

"Oh is someone falling for the new kid?" Carly asked me while laughing.

"No I am not!" I said back to Carly with an irritated expression on my face.

The warning bell then rang, letting us know that we have only one more minute to get to class on time. Me and Carly then looked at each other and started to speed walk to our first class.

The whole day I realized that I could not stop thinking about the new guy at school. I couldn't stop thinking about the way he looked at me with his hazel eyes, and the way he talked. I just couldn't stop thinking about all of him at all. What does this mean for me? I can't be falling for a guy I don't even know at all.

Once I got home I decided to try and stop thinking about him. So I went to my room and started on my homework and waited for dinner to be ready. Once dinner was ready I went downstairs to eat it then went back upstairs to shower.

After my shower I just laid in bed for the rest of the night. I found myself going back and thinking about the new guy every once and a while. Finally sleep took over me and that was it for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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