Chapter 1:No sign of intelligent life....

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The only thought that comes to mind once I've landed is 'this is a strange planet'
"Star Command! Do you read me? Gosh we gotta Fix that system once I-!" I turned around to see my f/c ship damaged and broken from the heat as I've landed.
I felt the side of the rockets right wing before grunting in frustration. "Blast...." I muttered becoming opening up my mission log on my left wrist looking up at the calendar on the wall.
"Have I traveled back in time somehow? Or this calendar is wrong?" I asked myself before krecording myself "Mission Log: the date is 7/15/2310 as the calendar on this planet is wrong! I have came across a strange planet as I Commander Y/N was trying to help my fellow Space Rangers..." I then looked down on the ground of this strange planet to test if it was stable. "The ground seems unstable as there seems to be no air considering there's no intelligent life anywhere...."
Suddenly a figure popped up infront of me.
"Hello!" The figure greeted as I then took out my laser. The figure groaned and helped another figure up to what seems to be-!
"Buzz? I thought you went to sector 4?!" I Yelled with my arms now crossed.
Buzz cleared his throat as he then tried to explain that I was a "Toy" I shook my head not believing a word he said.
"I can't believe your delusional about being a Toy, YOUR A SPACE RANGER!" I Yelled as I then saw more figures from the side of the so called "bed"
"Oh now it's Wacko Buzz all over again!" Groaned the uncultured swine. I was confused, Wacko Buzz?
I then looked around at the group of figures and animals as they came closer to me.
"Er uh, I think we stepped on the wrong foot..." Said the local law enforcement.
"I'm Woody" he added as he let out a hand for me to shake which I then did.
"Ah finally some local law enforcement! I'm Commander Y/N L/N, Commander and chief of Star Command!" I Exclaimed as Woody rolled his eyes. Then the rest of the strange citizens of this planet told me their names.
"We all just wanted to say, Welcome to Andy's Room!" Exclaimed Buzz as he then led me down the bed and onto the sold floor.
"How did you survive Buzz? Isn't there no breathable air here?" I asked looking at Buzz who led me to the closet as he pulled out a old looking ship?
"Well there is breathable air actually, but uh-! You must understand the rules on this planet, I struggled myself to fit in with the lifeforms." He Replied as he left the torn ship on the ground.
"First off and most of all, Your a Toy, Your not a Commander once you've been on this planet, your called and will for now a Toy." He Explained as I nodded adjusting my belt.
"But then, what about Star Command? Haven't they replied back to you?" I asked looking at Buzz worried.
Buzz shook his head solemnly as he then pointed to the ship.
"I now take the role of a toy, y/n. Meaning I try and care about my owner Andy." I then felt a hand on my shoulder which came from the law enforcer Woody.
"It's true, I've been with Andy since he was just a baby! And hey! It's the most greatest, most fun job I've ever had!" Exclaimed Woody as I shook my head.
"I still don't believe it, how can I be a Toy? I'm a Commander of Star Command not a Toy?" I Replied as Woody groaned in frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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